Wednesday 10 August 2022

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 128: A Ranger Catastrophe: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 3,] Episode 128: A Ranger Catastrophe: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/colourful/other effects/transformation

A new threat to The Power Rangers appears from out of nowhere; Part I: Storyline, Action, Comedy and Character [Character developments;] these combined in one way or another. Kimberly and Aisha come across this stray white cat and they take it to the Angel Grove Animal Shelter where Aisha has been volunteering with Dr. Wheeler where basically if no one claims the cat by the end of the day the cat is more than welcome to live with Aisha and Kimberly.

For some strange reason [yes I know why but just for here and now I will keep the mystery going until the next episode so I just can't give it away here,] but I digress for some strange reason Rita sends her brother Rito down to Earth to ensure no one knows claims the cat, so on arriving on Earth outside of this Animal Shelter he hides behind this bush to jump out and frighten people regardless if they were heading into the this location or not or because I haven't mentioned this to for awhile Angel Grove's finest Junior Police Patrol Officers Bulk & Skull I am paraphrasing this sequence of events; sneak up behind Rita and tried to arrest him. Rita tells them to go away and of course they run away in fear calling for backup. By the end of the day the cat goes home with Aisha and Kimberly as this cat makes its feelings known towards Kimberly by hissing and attempting to claw at her, the cat gets renamed PC [Park Cat.]

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; if you come to watch this episode and wanted why I haven't discussed one action sequence; simply put I chose to put Rito jumping out as action so I could put in Rito, Bulk & Skull as the comedy as I have already referenced, it is just I haven't spoken about these two for some time.


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