Tuesday 23 August 2022

DC Harley Quinn [Season 2,] Episode 14: New Gotham by AverageMansReviews

DC Harley Quinn [Season 2,] Episode 14: New Gotham by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: this TV program is not suitable for children and in one way or another there is adult contents/flashing effects/other effects/shooting/stabbing/cutting/impaling/decapitation/disfigurement/medical

New, New Gotham: Storyline, Comedy, Character [Character developments,] Comedy and Action; now after what happened at the end of Season 1 Gotham City has been left to its own devices by the rest of the USA. Consequently the remaining Legion of Doom invite Quinn two meet with them to discuss how to move forward, but she thinks she has been invited to "Injustice League" which she does it is just the Legion of Doom has been renamed as  Injustice League." They all minus Bane have a executive chair; he does bring this up or/and make references to this; in this scene in one way or another and Harvey Dent, then a little time later Edward Nygma/The Riddler saying I am paraphrasing here; we all thought it would be funny to give you a folding chair and we were right." [The other members laughing] Bane replies "Oh I see your joke now your jest will be avenged." In a nutshell no one took this threat seriously and they continue talking to Quinn about a serious matter. But she declines consequently Dr. Victor Fries/Mr Freeze freezes her/in cases her in this block of ice with his Cold Gun.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; this episode is designed to settle everything down for hopefully the rest of the season or hopefully at minimum for the next oncoming episodes in the near future.


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