Monday 23 May 2022

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 127: The Ancient Mirror of Avathar by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 127: The Ancient Mirror of Avathar by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/other effects/transformation

Moss Man: Storyline, Characters [Character developments,] Action and Art; these components combined in one way or another; in this episode this new character is going to be extremely useful. But Melaktha [Eternian archaeologist] doesn't seem to like him much until he saves his life, isn't that always the way someone doesn't like you much until you save their life. But I have to say with only a small amount of episodes left, it is just a shame that [I haven't seen the upcoming episodes yet,] but for here and now we won't get to spend a great deal of time if at all with Moss Man as he has these abilities such as when he goes to sleep, he can transform into anything plant-based for an example like in this episode when we first meet him seaweed or telepathy with anything plant-based [similar to when Beast Man and his abilities to control beasts/talk to beasts using telepathy, but at least Moss  Man asks or talks nicely so it isn't a controlling relationship] and he can also transform down into vines to do get through things or move himself from one location to the next as long as he can reach with his vines to begin the transfer from one location to the next. To be honest they should have really brought this character in much, much, much so much more sooner than this episode. I mean he even helps Prince Adam/He-Man in these horrific weather conditions as Prince Adam/He-Man holds up this ship out of see so Moss Man can plug up this sinking ship they were sailing on, well I say he helps which he does, but he asks the seaweed via telepathy if they can help them plug up this whole which of course they are more than happy to oblige them, as this seaweed curls itself around and around which with round this whole gets smaller and smaller and then it puffs itself up so it will hold until they get back to the dock; this looks highly imaginative.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; after everything is said and done this mark is a suitable outcome, as I have previously stated I think they have really missed a trick with introducing Moss Man so late on in this TV series, on top of that once again I haven't seen the episodes after this point yet, but without giving too much away yet again they have missed a trick with introducing this mystical artefact [the mystical artefact is the title of this episode] way too late in this TV series, but I just want to state for here and now I hope but probably unlikely they will do something with Moss Man and this mystical artefact in the last few episodes, because if they don't there is so much wasted potential here.


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