Saturday 16 April 2022

Watchmen [Season 1,] Episode 8: A God Walks into Abar by AverageMansReviews

Watchmen [Season 1,] Episode 8: A God Walks into Abar by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/transformation/shooting/white supremacy

Make mine a Manhattan: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Art and Action these all combined in one way or another. Without giving too much away we meet this Police Officer Angela Abar drinking in the bar on the anniversary of her parents death, she gets approached by this man that offers to have dinner with her tomorrow, but she declines on more than one occasion in this meeting, but she wants to hear more of what this man has to say. We also find out how Adrian Veidt [a.k.a. Ozymandias] ends up on this Moon of Jupiter by the name of Europa, which has been touched by this man like god which we can clearly see can create great beauty or destroy things with very little effort as later on Detective Angela Abar have a fire fight [guns] with members of The Seventh Kavalry, but he assists her.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lots of fun; it just has so much to offer that after everything is said and done this mark is well deserved.

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