Wednesday 16 March 2022

Average Extra of: Why is DC's Batwoman 2019 Possibly/More Than Likely Continuing? by AverageMansReviews by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Why is DC's Batwoman 2019 Possibly/More Than Likely Continuing? by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Straight off the bat; I have no idea what is happening with this TV program and it potential future? The more research I do on it from various means of finding out information be it reading or watching someone else's content all I can say for right here and right now is question-mark. Because around the beginning of this third season I was hearing that The CW was given this third season to this TV program to possibly but more than likely wrapped things up so they can cancel it or to put a positive spin on it to finish it off [to cover my back where I got this information from content creators which in fairness and balance to them they were using the format of reading an article on screen; you know a read along on-screen format so that you can see at that at that time their information was correct with something like a split screen or something to this effect where their heads were in another section of the screen [I should just point out I am saying all this not to bury anyone, but just to point out that at the time there was information on the contrary to what The CW are possibly going to do next; as I have just said all of this, I was thinking I would use my head and go to see what the Internet would say about; The CW cancelled or renewed this TV program for the fourth season and as of Monday 14/03/2022 it hasn't been cancelled but neither has it been renewed.

At this point I would cancel this TV program, because I find it very divisive. I mean is extremely biased for its agenda that it loves to push, be you African-American or from the LGBT+ community, which as it relates to the LGBT+ community other Arrowversus TV program do it much better as in it is a part of these characters are but there is more to them than just their sexual preference or identity, so I mean this in the right way in 2022 and these other TV program there is a sense of normalcy which there should be nowadays [which I have no problem with this whatsoever.]

But as I have made reference to this TV program loves to push their agenda, yes I know that Rachel Skarsten [Character: Beth Kane/Alice] and Meagan Tandy [Character: Sophie Moore have discussed their mental health issues [yes I am making reference to The CW Spotlight: uploaded 28/05/2021 onto YouTube.

But as it relates to this TV program I have made it no secret that when it is appropriate I am putting this politely so not impressed how they have put mental health under the bus as it relates to Beth Kane/Alice and I know I have said this many times before but I know she is far from an innocent character, but her family left her behind and without giving too much away, just in case you haven't seen it after 3 seasons, it finally looks like a family member came through for her as it relates to her mental health and she is going to hopefully get some help.

The problem with The CW/Arrowverse is they have gone too far with social politics ticking and everything that comes with that; where yes they have got this section of the audience covered by aiming it specifically for them, but there are two very big problems by doing things this way; yes they get a certain number of figures in every week, but also they will put off a major percentage of their audience which feels like they are getting things ramped down their throats.

Now for those people that say something to the effect of " these TV programs are not aimed for you, so get over yourself." Now I do find these comments to be really, really, incredibly stupid. Because The CW/arrow verse could have been trendsetters instead of art imitating life, so yes have different characters from different backgrounds and construct their content around every day life which in fairness and balance the only TV program from the arrow verse that really struggles to do this properly would be this TV program.

I mean it is a very good job I am not this way inclined of being basically a turd head what with people saying something to the effect of " this TV program is not aimed for you" you are aware you are actually inadvertently making the arrow verse and yourselves being inadvertently prejudiced and being discriminative? Because based on your/that logic because I am disabled with mental health and because of their lack of any positive representation of me yes I have Beth Kane/Alice and see what of a cock up they did with her mental health and yes I am aware for some time Felicity Smoke was disabled. But generally speaking there is no representation of me I can say this is inadvertently prejudiced or discriminative, which now gives me the ammunition to ask why isn't my section of society being represented in the Arrowverse? But this is all if I was a turd head, so it is a very good thing I don't subscribe to the theory of this TV program is designed for you isn't it? And to cover my back very quickly here is a list of arrow verse TV programs I watch Arrow [had watched to its end,] The Flash, Supergirl[ not yet finished watching the end of this TV series,] DC Legend of Tomorrow, Batwoman and Lucifer [partly watched until it went to Netflix, this is just another TV program that I have added to my very long list of TV programs I would like to watch. So other than these they may or may not be representation of me as things are right here and right now I don't know, there may be, highly unlikely but probably not I will get.

In the interest of fairness and balance yes this TV program has accredited to its name in some capacity awards aimed at LGBTQ community and its costume designs. 10 in total as things stand; 2 Winners; for an example ReFrame 2021; ReFrame Stamp and 8 Nominees; for an example GLAAD Media Awards 2021; GLAAD Media Award; Outstanding Drama Series. But you know I think as I have already referenced after three seasons it is enough now, but we will just have to wait and see, knowing my luck I will have to review a trailer for season 4 and the 4th season.

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