Sunday 27 February 2022

Watchmen [Season 1,] Episode 6: This Extraordinary Being by AverageMansReviews

Watchmen [Season 1,] Episode 6: This Extraordinary Being by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/white supremacy/racism/white on black violence/ homophobic references/hanging/shooting/medical

Black-and-white: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Art and Action these combined in one way or another. Because Abar/Sister Knight has taken a lethal amount of Nostalgia medication which on top of that is not designed specifically for her it is designed for her grandfather Will Reeves a.k.a. Hooded Justice this medication is designed for only him [yes you'll see another version of Hooded Justice in this episode and yes indeed there is another, but let's focus on the African-American one shall we.]

So she is going to experience a lengthy trip as she and we the viewers get to see and in her case feel her grandfather's life up to this present time. When we delve into these memories this episode is mostly like 90% black and white and these moments of colour this is all fantastic visual work and moving on to the action New York Police Officer Will Reeves/Hooded Justice [I know that these points he isn't in his usual costume and head/face covering, but work with me here.] He really does put foot to posterior.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; because of this episode's content I should point out that when I say this episode is top-notch entertainment this is just a marking expression and nothing more. It really does unfortunately cover how things were and in some cases still are to this very day, but to finish on a positive I really do like the entire art of this episode; it is easy to settle down with highly imaginative and clean and tidy.


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