Saturday 12 February 2022

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 115: Time Doesn't Fly by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe [Season 2,] Episode 115: Time Doesn't Fly by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/other effects/transformation

Hexon the Wizard is not that bright Wizard: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Action and Bloopers; these all combined in one way or another. Basically Hexon has imprisoned Keeper of Time, and the Emperor Kathar and he is now using the Keeper of Tame's Hourglass Mountain as his place of operations.

Hexon's looks on is viewing screen and see is Teela, Princess Kathar and Orko approaching so he decides to go and give them a warm welcome, so when this trio have arrived at this location, for some strange reason Hexon jumps on/through the door to get out [I don't get this; he has clearly broken in to this location to take it over, so he now has access to the lock or not forgetting he is a Wizard so he could have used some magic.]

But on top of that after he has dealt with this trio as he is flying off on is circular platform, the viewers clearly see this door is now back to normal as in someone or a group has silently along and stood up the draw and fix the damage and on top of a little later we find out it has also been locked [how precisely is this possible? Because if Hexon couldn’t find the keys to unlock it how were some fixes it characters going to find the key? Unless they made a replacement key,, I bet this group of characters goes under the name of Evil Fix It for Hired; for a monthly subscription [5% of your monthly incoming; you can cancel at any time.] We will come along day or night even if your during a battle and silently yet efficiently fix any problem, now including feeding or walking your pets even if you are away on business or pleasure, even if you are during a battle we will be there for you.]

This episode receives: 5/10, this episode is mixed; I mean after everything is said and done it does its job.


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