Tuesday 18 January 2022

Watchmen [Season 1,] Episode 3: She Was Killed by Space Junk by AverageMansReviews

Watchmen [Season 1,] Episode 3: She Was Killed by Space Junk by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/white supremacy/hanging/disfigurement/shooting/animal cruelty

I'll call your bluff: Storyline, Action, Character [Character developments] and Comedy; in one where another these components combined; unfortunately it is the day of Chief of the Tulsa Police Judd Crawford funeral where The Seventh Kavalry member has dug this large hole inside this church, where this funeral is roughly taking place [when I said roughly I mean this ceremony is taking place outside near to this church.]

This Seventh Kavalry member attaches this dynamite to himself/his heart, which if anyone shoots him this dynamite goes off, so he gatecrashers this ceremony and in a nutshell wants to take this one individual Senator Joe Keene, Jr. and if he doesn't everyone dies, so he goes with this individual, but from out of nowhere this Seventh Kavalry gets a bullet in the head from FBI Agent Laurie Blake [Anti-Vigilante Task Force.] But she doesn't come alone she has another Agent with her by the name of Agent Dale Petey and he is only here because Agent Blake was told by her superior Deputy Director Farragut; basically she couldn't go on her own she had to take another Agent with her to Tulsa, so that is why he is here.]

But I digress this Seventh Kavalry member wasn't bluffing as his heartbeat slows down/it sounds like he/it is getting ready to explode so Abar starts the evacuation with "Run" everyone runs with her dragging this Seventh Kavalry member into this burial hole meant for Chief of the Tulsa Police Crawford in his casket and then she pushes/drops the Chief of the Tulsa Police Crawford in his casket on top of this Seventh Kavalry and Abar does this quick run away and jump in the air when they are is this explosion with Agent Blake falling back at the same time to symbolise the impact of this explosion; with Abar looking at Agent Blake as to ask in a serious manner "Why did you do that?" With Agent Blake looking back as to reply in likewise a serious manner "I thought he was bluffing." There is another joke later on this is just an excerpt; Abar: "Crawford jumped on the grenade I just gave him a little push."

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; yet again this is another episode which has lots to offer its viewers from beginning to end


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