Sunday 23 January 2022

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania I 31/03/1985 Match 6/Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE WrestleMania I 31/03/1985 Match 6/Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects

Match/Stipulations: The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff [with "The Hollywood Fashion Plate" Freddie Blassie] vs. the WWF Tag Team Champions The U.S. Express [Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo with Captain Lou Albano:] Tag Team Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The Body” Venture 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 45/60 - this match is good

Comments: this match/match slot is all good, this is speculation but I don't know whether everyone was informed that they had been given a very small match time of just under 7 minutes, on a quick side note I have just realised the previous match had the identical amount of time and the upcoming matches have a similar time and as well until the main event, I am just remembering this is why I chose this pay-per-view over the Christmas period, I wanted to do a big pay-per-view to get some content out; but hey, hey never mind.]

On reflection is Monsoon building up/promoting WrestleMania which I have no problem with, but I am not too keen on Venture saying this is just another excerpt " You have seen dead Super Bowls and World Series, but you definitely not seeing a dead WrestleMania." I get where he is coming from, but as this is the first WrestleMania we have nothing to compare it to.

We have the heel team performing this double team in their corner which doesn't go according to plan as The Sheik puts Windham in front of Volkoff, so they can immobilise Windham; Volkoff is standing on the apron holding Windham, The Sheik backs up to go in to perform this dropkick but Windham drops down and gets out of their corner, consequently Volkoff takes this dropkick and The Sheik is apologetic, this is a good piece of goofiness as the match continues, Monsoon quickly takes us to see this action will play of this double team going wrong and then quickly back to live action.

Basic Result: your new WWF Tag Team Champions The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff [with "The Hollywood Fashion Plate" Freddie Blassie]

Background information: after this match; we have Monsoon and Venture taking a look/discussing the action replay and then Monsoon talks more about what we have just seen he tries to bring Venture into the conversation he was getting ready to say something, but before he does Monsoon hands things over to Okerlund to get a live interview with the new WWF Tag Team Champions and their manager after that Okerlund sends things back to Monsoon with him still talking about the injustice with Venture and claiming there was blood squirting somewhere out of The Sheik, on a replay it is just coming out of his far hand second finger knuckle [on another replay without giving too much away and this is just speculation, it's quite easy to see how this may have happened, because The Sheik does something very hard and maybe a shard could have rebounded, but on the upside this match outlay does what it is designed to do, without anyone looking weak.] Monsoon sends things to Hayes with him not getting distracted by anyone or anything in short, still looking as if he is reading an autocue introduces the pre-recorded video package Okerlund with Big John Stud and his manager Bobby " The Brain" Heenan talking about this upcoming match on this pay-per-view next Career VS. $15,000 Body Slam Challenge with "The Eighth Wonder of The World"André The Giant; additional where if André can't body slam, meaning Stud just has to last until the match time expires, André must retire, but if he does body slam Stud he gets $15,000. Okerlund sending things back to Monsoon once again talking about how brilliant WrestleMania is/has been and once again Venture putting the same sports from earlier under the bus with Stud and Heenan heading into the ring with Monsoon handing things over to Finkel to do his thing with him explaining the rules of this match then The Giant heading down with the same security used throughout this pay-per-view for wrestlers and on-screen characters and into the ring.





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