Wednesday 26 January 2022

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 47: Meet Your Maker by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 47: Meet Your Maker by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/animal cruelty/drowning/impaling/shooting

The true Mother Nature is back: Storyline, Art Action and Character [Character developments:] well we have these two fishermen fishing at Loob Lake which is fine based on their is a sign that says catch and release only all in capitals [with a fish underneath; and there are some other words underneath like thank you; there is more but we don't have a clear camera shot.] But let's just say these fishermen are breaking that rule.

They should really take a look behind themselves, don't worry it isn't Jason Voorhees on a vocation from Camp Crystal Lake as these vines come out of the water and quickly and efficiently take care of them as the viewers see Dr. Pamala Isley/Poison Ivy slowly rising/walking onto land.

What we have here is both a negative but also a positive situation where negatively speaking it puts all the other character developments to shame minus Beth Kane/Alice, because within two episodes roughly they have established Dr. Pamala Isley/Poison Ivy in every way possible even when she was being held where she was being held, it just really hammers home if or when the people working on this TV program want to they can establish something/someone with all-round purpose and presentation without their agenda of basically wokeness. And for those quick mouths people; yes I am aware that Dr. Pamala Isley/Poison Ivy is an Doctor; expert in botany, toxicology and genetics,. eco-warrior and a lesbian. I have never had problems with people from different walks of life being represented on TV or film or others, but how can I put this nicely firstly I don't like things being rammed down my throat and secondly Dr. Pamala Isley/Poison Ivy is an adult meaning the list I have just listed are components of her which makes her; her which consequently makes her a lot easier to settle down with as it relates to a viewing experience. So on to the positive [yes I know I have inadvertently covered some of the positives.] But however the positives are at least now it isn't just Beth Kane/Alice and Dr. Hamilton/Poison Ivy caring this TV program we now have Dr. Isley/Poison Ivy.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good: this episode comes up mostly all green.


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