Friday 21 January 2022

American Siege 2021 by AverageMansReviews

American Siege 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing/colourful effects/shooting/drugs/burning/human urination

One wrong is bigger and worse than the other: on the day of his release from prison after serving a decade Roy [Rob Gough] is seeking answers, about his girlfriend at the time Bridget Baker which is dead [Sarah May Sommers,] he won't be asking these questions on his own as some members of Bridget's family want answers as well in her older sister Grace Baker [Anna Hindman] and older brother Toby Baker [Johann Urb.] The pacing is solid and functional, and you know, it knows what it is doing and settled down to its task.

Well as this is a predominantly situation-based action, meaning it takes place around the location of this house which Dr John Keats [Cullen G. Chambers] lives at, he was the last one to see her alive.

So for an example at one point we have these two hired guns  that works for this highly influential individual that runs this town [Georgia town] by the name of  Charles Rutledge  [Timothy V. Murphy.]

But I digress, in a basic description; Sheriff Ben Watts [Bruce Willis] is against this drone strike, but Silas [Johnny Messner] saying it has been okayed by Rutledge, so these two hired guns, one is piloting and the other may be doing the drop, I don't know we don't see is device long enough, all I know is they are working together. But no need to worry about that, because even before they get the opportunity, Grace Baker shoots this drone out of the sky and into this pond with the pilot hired gun being disappointed by this with Sheriff Ben Watts laughing.

The characters developments and performances are solid types of what they are and the same can be said for the performances.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; well to be more precise it is a solid little film, I am just wondering if this kind of film would have been better being adapted to a theatre production instead, as it wouldn't need too many scenery changes based on as I have already alerted to it predominately is based around this house location so it could be done if they were to work in the confines of a theatre stage.


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