Thursday 23 December 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 42: Antifreeze by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 42: Antifreeze by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/medical/breaking

Beth Kane/Alice; “I got it. Its the Bee Gees of course it is them.": Storyline, Characters [Character developments,] Comedy and Action these combined in one way or another; Beth Kane/Alice works out who are behind this; [where she says the dialogue I have named this section after/where she gets off this medical bed in Dr Hamilton's clinic after doing some research on this stolen mobile which belonged to Moore's younger sister Jordan.] Where Moore: "Did you take my sisters phone?" Beth Kane/Alice:" Oh. Yeah. Mu. You're welcome." [More takes the mobile from Beth Kane/Alice] with Dr Hamilton:" For critiquing her taste in music?" Beth Kane/Alice: [looking happy and confident with the body language and mannerisms to match throughout the rest of this scene] "No for solving all your little mysteries. Who kidnapped Jordan, who's experimenting with the freeze for my formula. Same answer [which she says the next bit in a quieter drammatical tone looking at Moore] The Black Glove Society. [As to imply this organisation are a massive deal and should be respected and/or feared; but all she gets from Moore and Dr Hamilton is absolutely nothing but silence.] So Beth Kane/Alice tries again with facial expressions and mannerisms including a hand every time she says something like their acronym " The BGS" or "The Bee Gees" [Moore looks at Dr Hamilton; standing next to Beth Kane/Alice with a frozen Jordan on a medical table to imply; "I don't have a clue who or what she is talking about do you?" With this picture of absolute frustration on Beth Kane/Alice's face to imply you should know who this organisation are based on the grounds you used to working for The Crows?!.] Beth Kane/Alice [mentally/body language "Okay I give up." and puts her hand down and starts telling them about The Black Glove Society [there is more to this scene; but I have discussed it enough.]

Briefly sometime later; we get Beth Kane/Alice and Moore vs. Members of The Black Glove Society [including not leader of this organisation but must have been someone reliable to fulfil this contract and cleanup operation; Virgil Getty.]

This episode receives: 5/10, this episode is mixed; I know I have made this a repetitive thing over these Three Seasons in some capacity [including her stepbrother; Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse when he was a part of this TV program in some way in Seasons 1 and 2,] but once again Beth Kane/Alice continues to be the glowing positive of this TV program by absolutely unlimited miles.


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