Tuesday 21 December 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 41: Freeze by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 3,] Episode 41: Freeze by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/medical

Beth Kane/Alice seems to be under the weather: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Comedy and Action; these components combined at one point or another; because of what Fox/Batwing injected her with Nanobots to tracker wherever she goes;  Beth Kane/Alice is now playing with comical portrayal of ill.

She even takes a hostage [Nora Fries; the wife of the now dead Dr Victor Fries/Mr Freeze]  which basically she threatens to kill her with a surgical scalpel knife to her neck if her stepsister Dr Hamilton doesn't help her, but maybe Beth Kane/Alice should have chosen a better hostage to use as a bargaining chip as you will soon read; yes I understand the serious nature of what is coming up next, but however there is a dark comical tone in it as well Mrs Fries says [with a small grin appearing on her face momentarily with these words slowly but with meaning/conviction coming out of her mouth "Let her with" [with Dr Hamilton and Beth Kane/Alice looking at her and saying " What?" With Mrs Fries having her moment in the spotlight and actually her making a choice in her life with "I am so sick of people sacrificing their lives for me... my husband and my sister, the research, the lost years, the desperation, for what? So I could be trapped again?" Beth Kane/Alice:" So you want me to kill you? With [Mrs Freeze nodding and smiling in agreement] with Beth Kane/Alice continuing: "Could you be a worse hostage." [ With Beth Kane/Alice having the facial expressions and mannerisms to  indicate firstly a sprinkling of a middle range teenager attitude throughout; anoints at Mrs Freeze and then secondly "Well that didn't work" and finally  putting surgical scalpel knife down on the side.] There is a little bit more to this scene/sequence, but I have put enough in this review.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lots of fun; don't get me wrong it doesn't have the best beginning, but it does get better and better the more you watch of it.



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