Monday 22 November 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE Survivor Series 24/11/1988 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE Survivor Series 24/11/1988 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there is flashing effects/colourful effects and Disclaimer; I am not or never likely to be a professional wrestler.

Match/Stipulation: Co-Captains; the WWF World Tag Team Championships Demolition [Ax & Smash with "The Devious One",] The Conquistadors [Dos & Uno,]  The Bolsheviks [Boris Zhukov & Nikolai Volkoff with "The Doctor of Style" Slick?,] The Brain Busters [Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan] and The Fabulous Rougeaus [Jacques Rougeau & Raymond Rougeau with "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart] vs. Co-Captains; The Powers of Pain [The Barbarian & The Warlord,] The Young Stallions [Jim Powers & Paul Roma,]  The Hart Foundation [Bret "The Hitman" Hart & Jim "The Anvil"  Neidhart,] The Rockers [Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels] & The British Bulldogs [Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid:] 10-on-10 Survivor Series Tag Team Match Elimination. [Additional information; if one member of a tag team is eliminated they are both eliminated.]

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 5/10

Match Storyline: 5/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon & Jesse "The Pilgrim" Venture 10/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 5/10

Recommend Watch: 5/10

Match Total: 40/60 - this match is good

Comments: I am going to explain the question-mark against Slick; I am just being observant about this and it is a blooper; The Ring-announcer [Howard Finkel] announces Slick with his tag team The Bolsheviks [Boris Zhukov & Nikolai Volkoff,] but however he clearly isn't anywhere to be seen and based on the fact he is an African-American and the only African American here, he would be incredibly easy to spot wi and yes it has just come to me that Finkel could just be reading this off a card, but it still is a blooper.

Venture makes reference to every team with the WWF World Tag Team Championships Demolition [Ax & Smash with "Devious" Mr Fuji,] has a manager and Monsoon basically confirms this which physically isn't true on this night as we have already discussed.

If you are wondering what we had before the leg slap [being more popularly used by today's standards,] we had the foot stomp sound effect, where performers like to make a foot stomp or feet stomping effect on hitting somebody [speculation/educated guess which I could still be wrong; but I think there was a sound system or something like this under the ring to make this sounds louder] and usually I would give you an example or examples of this but there is plenty of it from Demolition [Ax & Smash] and you will see what I mean, I am not picking on them it is just they are the easiest examples to spot, I mean if you are off the younger generations it isn't something that once you have seen, picks up or learn you can spot it easily.

Pinning attempt by Kid on Raymond Rougeau; Kid goes over Raymond high in the corner and hooks is feet to do this sunset flip pinning move; but the thing is it does look clunky, in fact [this is just an excerpt] Monsoon  says: he didn't completely but enough to take him over but he couldn't hold him down."

Another pinning attempt [small package] this time by "The Hitman" on Raymond Rougeau this also looks clunky in its execution.  Monsoon: What a tremendous move the man who has excellent of execution The Hitman." This is something for you to hear out for roughly around this spot and as I have already alluded to it was hardly well executed.

Now Venture and Monsoon for some reason these two point out that this opponent is making it easy for their opponent to tag out and Monsoon points out; Blanchard tags out without making contact with his opponent first [Barbarian] I didn't know of this rule back then; Blanchard tags in Volkoff [ I will discuss this again later on.] This is why I gave basically 10/10 on these two and the crowd participation, because they were in the case of the commentary team; they were really on the ball and yes you know that I know the commentary team have to sell things with a positive twist if they can and slightly moving on to the crowd let's just say they were there for this match/match slot; like the previous match/match slot they do go quiet for a little bit now and again, but like the commentary team here, it would be extremely harsh for me to give anything less; unless there is some concrete evidence and that is not the case here.

Venture questions a pinning attempt and unlike the previous match he has a very good reason to question it; it is between The Rockers [Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels] performing this double team and what Venture is questioning is the legal man and the reason why I have said he has a very good reason to question it; is because after replaying it many, many times; if you are paying attention because if you don't you will miss it; you can see this little tag as he tags himself in, so yes Ventura got it wrong but he had solid evidence to go on and in short Monsoon confirmed it Jannetty is legal.

Barbarian performs this power slam on one of The Conquistador and the ending section of this move just looks too loose and sloppy and a very short time later Barbarians head butts this Conquistador into the other Conquistador which should make this Conquistador the legal man, but the first Conquistador tag in Blanchard after being touched by his tag team partner and after that it gets taken out of the ring by his tag team partner.

Blanchard performs this cross body off the top turnbuckle onto Neidhart and I can only describe it as this; Blanchard keep your feet on the ground and stay with what you know and what brought you to the dance. I mean it doesn't look that bad but you know stay with what brought you to the dance, moving on Ventura questions another pin attempt and this time he got it right, quickly followed by an excellent executed Tombstone Powerdriver with a very similar pinning combination which it happened being best associated with this individual yet [The Undertaker on-screen debut at WWF Survivor Series 22/11/1990; I wonder what ever happened to the guy.]

I don't like how The British Bulldogs [Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid] get eliminated; it is sudden and unbelievable unless wanted to make Smash look incredibly strong, if this was the case I get it. But I don't have to like it and on another observation on The British Bulldogs [Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid's] graphic before this match there is Matilda the Dog, but likewise with Slick and his situation they don't come out with Matilda.

This match slot including interviews after this match goes on for way too long roughly before the next match/match slot you looking at 56 minutes. Which to be fair reflects in my attribute marks; the easy tags escape minus Blanchard [the one I have already made reference to,] extends this match longer than what it maybe should have been. Okay have a very small amount, but when we have Monsoon sounding a little bit frustrated by this and if anyone knows anything about this man; he is/was a well built but placid individual, you know it may be a little bit much. So in hindsight they should have not been given these easy chances to do these easy tags out so much, maybe it would have given this match a better and more consistent get up and go and just for the record this match itself goes on for 42 minutes.]

Basic Result: Co-Captains; The Powers of Pain [The Barbarian & The Warlord with "The Devious One",] The Young Stallions [Jim Powers & Paul Roma,] The Hart Foundation [Bret "The Hitman" Hart & Jim "The Anvil"  Neidhart,] The Rockers [Marty Jannetty & Shawn Michaels] & The British Bulldogs [Davey Boy Smith & Dynamite Kid.]

Background information: after this match/match slot; I will keep this brief.

Ventura and Monsoon take a look at the video replay and discuss it.

Monsoon hands things to Shawn Mooney; interview with Bad News Brown; in short he talks about what he did tonight and he wants a WWF World Heavyweight Championship match against the reigning WWF World Heavyweight Champion "Macho Man" Randy Savage "Mooney sends it back to Monsoon and Ventura they discuss that and then Monsoon sends it to "Mean" Gene Okerlund to interview The Powers of Pain [The Barbarian & The Warlord with "The Devious One" Mr Fuji] to find out what happened out there. Okerlund sends it back to Monsoon and Ventura they discuss that and then they talk about the next match graphics on-screen and they do the same again for the main event. Monsoon sending back to Okerlund to have this interview with The Heenan Family to discuss their 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match against the Co-Captains; Jake " The Snake" Roberts [with Damien the Snake] & Jim " Hacksaw" Duggan and their team [which is coming up next on this pay-per-view card;] Okerlund handed back to Monsoon and Ventura they discuss that and then Monsoon hands it back to Mooney which he interviews  Co-Captains The Meg Powers [the WWF World Heavyweight Champion "Macho Man" Randy Savage & Hulk Hogan with Miss Elizabeth] and their team as they go up against Co-Captains The Big Boss Man & Akeem "The African Dream" and their team in a 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match Mooney hands it back to Monsoon; Monsoon quickly talk about it with Venture quickly asking Why doesn't Mooney never throw it back to me Gorilla. Which Monsoon just carries on by saying let's go up to Howard Frenkel.


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