Saturday 2 October 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW: Hog Wild 10/08/1996 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WCW: Hog Wild 10/08/1996 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Disclaimers: I just want to cover my back by saying as it relates to the Benoit family incident, I am just here to discuss the wrestling and here and now as it relates to this pay-per-view/match and I have never been any professional wrestler and never likely to be.

Background information: Malenko comes out discussing a deal with Jimmy Hart; we can clearly hear in short Hart say "All you have to do is take Benoit out and a deal." [with a shake of hands;] with this entire section is an excerpt; Dream asking what is Jimmy Hart doing with Dean Malenko, Tony?" Schiavone: he promised him a title shot, he got the title shot this morning against Rey Misterio Jr. on WCW Pro. So Jimmy Hart is shaking his hands, held up his part of the bargain [Dream “Yeah”] Rey Misterio is still the Cruiserweight [Dream “Exactly”] and Dean Malenko man of his word." To save me bringing it up again they make reference to this again at some point in this match, you are listening out for these stable/factions names The Horsemen, The Dongen of Doom, The N.W.O and WCW.

After this match; briefly  we have a little bit of talking about Sturgis Motorcycle Rally by Schiavone, Heenan doing a fart joke at Schiavone expense [motorbike sound effect]advertising the next match on scream [WCW World Tag Team Titles.] We don’t see this and I am paraphrasing here as well.; Dream wants Schiavone to look at this motorcycle on his monitor which he does and likes it.

Match/Stipulation: "The Iceman" Dean Malenko vs. The New Four Horsemen's "The Crippler" Chris Benoit [with Woman & Miss Elizabeth:] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 6/10

On Commentary: "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, Tony Schiavone & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 6/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 38/60 - this match is good

Comments: as the Match Total would suggest this match is good, but there are a number of botches and because these two individuals are masters of wrestling at worst it looks dangerous and painful or it just looks sloppy [on the whole the rest just look sloppy. But for two examples I will talk about the two superplexs from a top turnbuckle the first one [the aggressor Benoit] in short everything is going fine, still going fine and then there is a split second where it goes slightly wrong.

This is where I would like to hand it over to Schiavone; excerpt  " I think it's the way they came off, usually on a superplex you elevate and go high that time Benoit went really almost and it cost him as well."

The second superplex of a top turnbuckle [aggressor Malenko] likewise everything is going well, still going well and for some reason Malenko slightly releases Benoit in midair, this is purely speculation. But maybe he didn't want to have happen what happened earlier, so I get it if this was his thinking process but it still looks sloppy.

Needing a winner; I get it [based on the Background information section from earlier; this will make sense the more you read.] But I think the crowd were a little bit burned out from this pay-per-view from being highly enjoyable so you can tell they are there and yes they get into it later on but maybe roughly having any 30 minute match isn't/wasn't a good idea. This is speculation here but they wanted to super protect these two competitors by going with the narrative of a long fought contest but they needed a winner and they had a dusty finish on top of that as well. So if this is what they were going for they achieved what they set out to do, but as you can see it comes at a cost. But the commentary team in one way or another build up the crowd well for 98% of the time Heenan makes some Heel comments. On reflection this match would have been absolutely perfect for the first match on this card, it would have really began this pay-per-view with a bounce.

Dream comes out with a four count as it relates to a pin-fall [before I put this down I have tried to get it down as correctly as I can but for some reason the subtitles move too quickly with a speech, I have tried repeatedly many times easily into double figures of attempts so if I have gotten it right cool, if I have gotten it wrong or slightly wrong apologies for that; this is a rough excerpt "I thought he had him in backslide right there for the one, two, three, four."

Basic Result: after everything is said and done The New Four Horsemen's "The Crippler" Chris Benoit [with Woman & Miss Elizabeth] picks up the .W

RIP Nancy "Women" Benoit 17/06/1964-22/06/2007 and RIP Elizabeth "Miss Elizabeth" Hulette 19/11/1960-01/05/2003, may you both be a escorting some of the biggest names in wrestling down and into the ring; in that big wrestling ring up above.

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