Tuesday 12 October 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 36: Rebirth by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 2,] Episode 36: Rebirth by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing/other effects/racism/stabbing

The Kane's family reunion: Characters [Character developments,] Action and Comedy; these all combine at some point here. So we meet Colonel Jacob Kane and his twin daughters Kate Kane/Circe Sionis and Beth Kane/Alice in the recently disbanded Crows Headquarters; where these three family members and we the viewers see crystal clear evidence that this is indeed Kate and individually what happened to Circe Sionis on these computer monitors; which has been tied down to this chair Colonel Kane says "I know this is a lot to handle." But because either Kate Kane or Circe Sionis is highly trained in multiple skills in their own rights escaping from this chair is no problem, so she escapes and attempts to run, but her sister catches her with a left hook right in the face [just come back apologies if I have the wrong side] and floors her sister; with that Colonel Kane says "Hey!" [With his arm/right hand finger stretched out simultaneously; in the right pitch of voice to imply "Hey that was too hard." Beth Kane/Alice giving this perfect response, body language and mannerisms to match "Sorry, But did you want her to escape?"

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lots of fun; I mean generally speaking this episode does take some time to get into its groove and after taking everything else into consideration, I really couldn't give anything less than what they have and on a quick side note apologies if I have gave you the wrong side hands in this review, I have never been good on left hand side right hand side as it relates to opposite sides or potentially other sides compare to my side [potentially opposite on TV as I watch this episode for an example.]


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