Sunday 25 July 2021

SAS: Red Notice 2021 by AverageMansReviews

SAS: Red Notice 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Disclaimer: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/stabbing/shooting/breaking of bones/choking/suffocation/strangling/medical/terrorism.

Now just to cover my back if anyone connected to this film or any other film or projects, has a dark cloud hanging over them at any point, for any reason and if I want to leave a subject alone that is at my discretion. I am just here to discuss this project or other projects if I want to leave a subject alone in a review or any content I am free to do so or likewise if I want to make reference to it or discuss it at some point in the future I am free to do also.

Storyline/Characters/Performances/Comedy: at some point or points these components combined in one way or another; all of these components are like 97% generic; the storyline it is most definitely something you have seen before. Basic description; this train from London to Paris through the Channel Tunnel gets hijacked in the tunnel, by this unit of armed and highly trained mercenaries [by the name of Black Swans led by Grace Lewis/Rose which has recently had the honour past down from her father William Lewis/Wilkinson; he had to choose a family member successor to their empire/business/operation; he had the choice between her or his son/her brother Oliver "Olly" Lewis/Yeoman and he made the decision to go with her, because she is a better version of him.

But back here and now what she didn't foresee was SAS Buckingham/Heughan and in his girlfriend or fiancee [we don't know the status of their relationship] Dr. Hart/John-Kamen being on this train heading to Paris. The pacing of this project really, really doesn't help things either; this film roughly goes on for 119 minutes and to be honest they could have cut at least 30 minutes of this film off or out, I don't care what they do with it does make it disappear. Because as things are this film just ambles along at no great speed, basically it needs a rocket up its posterior which in hindsight leaves these characters, character developments and performances high in dry; based on the grounds if they gave this film a lot more get up and go to it; it wouldn't have left these characters, character developments and performances so exposed; shorter film would have potentially covered up any shortcomings or in this case the generic nature of things. On top of that we have this really infuriating ending because on one hand after roughly 119 minutes this is the best they could come up with and on the other hand they have left it wide open for a sequel and when I say wide open I mean if they don't come out with a sequel it makes this film a complete waste of time. Which I hope they do because I have done my time with this film and I deserve to see a sequel [just for the record I am fully aware that the film industry doesn't work this way,] but again in hindsight they could have just put this film and the potential sequel into one film. 

Yes I did say that all of these components are like 97% generic, but there is Clements/Serkis is a very high ranking officer in his field and in British intelligence as he is Prime Minister Atwood's/Panthaki right-hand man on this line Black Ops operation and yes he is everything that you come to expect from character type, including being serious and conical at the same time, basically Clements/Serkis is somebody that has been around long enough not to care and just says it as it is; so if you wanted a positive reason to watch this film Clements/Serkis is it.

Action/Art: the action is something safe and reliable and the art is another  positive and it consistently beautiful with scenery such as mountains and so on right at the beginning of the film [I think it is in Hungary; to be a little bit more precise its capital Budapest, I say I think because I couldn't read the white text on clashing colours in the background, I am dyslexic, so I did some research on this film and is said that they began filming in Budapest, so as they started filming here and these scenes are right at the beginning of the film common-sense dictates we are in this country and the London Eye in the capital of England sometime after that.

This film receives: 3/10, this film is poor; I mean don't get me wrong if this film didn't have these issues which I have spoken about as in the ending, lack of get up and go and the time length of roughly 119 minutes; this film would be getting given something higher, but I can only take film or projects or other things as they are so this mark is a fair outcome and for those that have seen this film I know there is a drop of Action/Comedy between SAS Buckingham/Heughan and Dr. Hart/John-Kamen, but it is only a  moment of comedy and it didn’t seem much point connecting these components for one moment, having said that I have just mentioned it here just in case someone comes back to me and says “You didn’t mention this moment.”


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