Monday 14 June 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Hell In A Cell 06/10/2019 Match 3/Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Hell In A Cell 06/10/2019 Match 3/Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!  

Warning: there are some flashing/colourful effects in their entrances.

Match/Stipulation: "The Apex Predator" Randy Orton vs. Ali: Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 6/10

Match Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 6/10

On Commentary: SmackDown of; Cory Graves & Michael Cole 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 6/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 36/60 - this match is good

Comments: now if you have been following Orton's career he can be relatively lazy, meaning a solid and reliable worker which we have here, but however if you put him in a big match position then he brings it to the table. So this match goes on for roughly 16 minutes, but it feels longer and yes the crowd is sometimes engaged in this match [you can tell the quietness or reaction] and on top of that the crowd decided to do a partial role reversal by treating Orton as a Babyface with chants of "ROK" so this is speculation maybe this crowd had this Babyface vs Babyface dynamic, because they were both receiving generally speaking a positive reaction or at minimum a reaction that cannot be seen as negative. But even though I have said all of this; there could be a possibility of some people wanting to take a dump on this match, to cover my back it is unclear. But what is clear is it doesn't help the situation when any character/performer works very hard to get the correct response crowd shows them the opposite and after some research if you're wondering this is not a homecoming for Orton we are in Sacramento, California not Knoxville, Tennessee.

In Ali's entrance; Cole promote new content on the WWE after this pay-per-view; Chronicles: Goldberg where they will be discussing. the legendary disaster match between The Undertaker vs. Goldberg at WWE Super ShowDown 2019 [Cole does say other things as well before this;] but I found it slightly amusing his wording of "Very controversial match earlier this year against The Undertaker" this is just an excerpt. Now I know they have to promote their content or another way of putting it is selling their content to their viewers to go and watch it and this is again speculation/possibility he has been told to promote this at some point in this pay-per-view or he is being told to say it through this headset, but whatever the case may be; it is very unlike this company to acknowledge something like this. I know as I have already made reference to; they are trying to sell this new content to us, so this is maybe why they acknowledged it was very controversial and they do like their big buzzy wording to capture our attention, but still buy them saying this; it means that also they accept a portion of the responsibility of it; meaning it happened under this promotion's insignia, so it is almost like in hindsight it read should have happened. Well I think 99.9% of us said something to that effect of "Great, but it is 25 years too late for this match to take place" or "It is 25 years too late for this match to take place" well before it took place.

Basic Result: "The Apex Predator" Randy Orton picks up the W. But I should highlight that he, Cole and Graves all put Ali over be Orton's body language and mannerisms which Graves does put a description/dialogue to some of them or by Cole and Graves discussing Ali [in short in 2021 Ali should be consistently rotating between the mid-card and the main event for me.] For disclosure I haven't seen or heard much of his work, but however what I have seen or heard from him just tells me he should be a performer which should be getting much better utilised by this company and let's not forget how much we would really like to forget about RETRIBUTION if anything good came out of them, is Ali has all the talents to become a big star and much later on in his career he could be a part-time wrestler/on-screen character with his promo skills building up the future. But unfortunately he won't achieve anything like he is capable of whilst he is at minimum on the Main Rosters, as far as I am concerned he may as well go over to NXT or leave this company and I myself am not being harsh here, because everyone knows be you a long-term fan or relatively newcomer; Mr McMahon doesn't like short talent and as Ali is billed at 5 ft 10 he won't have much in the way of opportunities; yes I know  before he got injured they were trying to position for a push and then Kofi-Mania began let's not forget that Kofi-Mania got absolutely buried Friday 04 SmackDown 2019 [SmackDown debut on Fox, where Brock Lesnar squash then the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston to become the New WWE Champion;] just to finish off I don't subscribe to anyone's differences being a problem if you are good enough you can go far.

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