Saturday 12 June 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Hell In A Cell 06/10/2019 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: Hell In A Cell 06/10/2019 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there are some flashing/colourful effects in their entrances and Disclaimer; I am not a professional wrestler and never likely to be.

Match/Stipulation: "The Big Dog" Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan vs. Eric Rowan & Luke Harper: Tornado Tag Team Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 10/10

Match Storyline: 10/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: SmackDown of; Cory Graves & Michael Cole 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 10/10

Recommend Watch: 10/10

Match Total: 58/60 - this match is top-notch entertainment

Comments: it's Saturday you know what that means. The outlay of this match is chaotic and it successfully puts over everyone involved. Now if you were wondering about the attributes on the category of On Commentary: SmackDown of; Cory Graves & Michael Cole 8/10; it is down to the fact in comparison to the Raw trio of Jerry "The King" Lawler, Vic Joseph & Dio Maddin receiving 5/10, this pair are the more solid and reliable, I am not even a fan of Cole's, I find him to be generic, nothing special and I am amazed he is still on commentary; for Graves I haven't heard much of his work, but he just sounds like a younger Cole doing the job; I don't know about you but I like my commentary team of two or more to have some personality or enthusiasm; I mean you have Graves a roundabout in the first the handover from Raw to SmackDown saying "If you want to catch a breath, now is not the time it is just going to get more chaotic and wilder" this is just an excerpt. This just seemed like an unnecessary sell at this point considering we are just two matches and on top of that he isn't in the slightest selling it with excitement; this is speculation on my part; it just feels like he is getting told to say this throw his headset, but whatever the case may be he just isn't selling it with enjoyment or enthusiasm, just a matter of fact way and then moving on. But hey at least they are noticeably better than the Raw’s commentary trio.

First things first Disclaimer: I am not an never likely to be a professional wrestler; Harper takes an ugly dive through the ring ropes [suicide dive] to finish hit/off the SmackDown commentary table; he hits his target of Reigns but Reigns goes down but consequently on contact he pushes Harper up so it changes his directory; it is no one's fault here, it is just a case of big on big contact man with not enough space so a collision is inevitable; luckily there is no blood and Harper continues the match without no damage, but at the time you can see Harper not having to really sell that one, because it looks like it really hurt; You know when it would have been better if he had just landed on the table just for a safe landing kind of I have no doubt it would have still hurt, it's basically like choosing which bump would you like to take really and at least if he had landed mostly on the table he hopefully flat on his front.

I felt after some time angry whilst watching this match, on the grounds that Rowan or Harper individually or together, so you tell me that Mr McMahon couldn't or more like didn't want to give them a push of some description without a garbage spider gimmick or he just wouldn't give Harper the opportunity [but Harper/Lee/Huber proved him wrong on that one in AEW.] But it greatly infuriates me to see anyone put in the time and effort, to not be given an opportunity to go higher case Big E [so far as it stands right here and right now] or Ruby Riots.

Finally even know of what I remember from what the Internet was telling me at the time this whole who tried to injure Reigns in some way was garbage, but this video package before this match looks good and make sense; all I am saying here is; this storyline may have been completely garbage but the WWE have always been masterful at their video packages.

Basic Result:"The Big Dog " Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan; as I have already said everyone involved gets pulled over, there is a little bit that says maybe Rowan & Harper should have picked up the W. here but I get why they went with this result; for Bryan to fully turn Babyface again.



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