Sunday 23 May 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 29/08/1988 Match 3/Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 29/08/1988 Match 3/Part 3 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there are flashing/colourful effects at some point in this match slot with cameras going off and lighting. Disclaimer now I have never been inside a wrestling ring and never likely to be.

Match/Stipulation: "Ravishing" Rick Rude [with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan] vs. Junkyard Dog: Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 5/10

Match Storyline: 5/10

Crowd Participation: 8/10

On Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon & "Superstar" Billy Graham 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 4/10

Recommend Watch: 4/10

Match Total: 32/60 - this match is mixed.

Comments: it is okay of what we see of it, I have to say I find it outdated and weird that Graham makes references to the thickness [the physical thickness of the Dog's skull] in one way or another on commentary. I have said it is "outdated" because be you any culture African-American or Samoan [back in this timeframe Samoan characters/performers were portrayed as not very smart and stereotype characters for one example having thick skulls.] Basically if you were Caucasian you were safe from this level of racism. I am not doing a comparison here, but depending what part of the world you were from for an example if you were from Ireland there would be possibly an Irish gimmick or at the very least an element of Irish to your gimmick. I mean they did it with Becky Lynch on her debut in NXT, which wasn't too long ago in comparison to this timeframe in the 1980's.

Moving on to the "weird" I am not defending this language, but it is difficult to determine if Graham is being intentionally or intentionally or unintentionally racist [and I don't like dropping words like this unless there is evidence which in this case there is enough evidence, I stress again intentionally or unintentionally racist.]] Because he is coming over to us as someone being enthusiastic about this match, not forgetting it was a different world back then and times change. So I'm going to say this; Graham is more than likely just interested in calling this match, but he is just before or after [depending on your perspective; either way you want to look at it is acceptable] of being racist and just to cover my back and Graham's in fairness and balance; speculation I don't know if it is Graham saying these things or if he is being instructed to say these things from backstage if he has a headset on or not, but in case of any eventuality I just wanted to cover my back.

Disclaimer: I have never been inside a wrestling ring and never likely to be, but we have another back body drop that seemingly doesn't go according to plan as the Dog on the point of contact pushes Rude up and over rotating him too much so he lands on his coccyx [posterior.] In fact on looking back at this little piece of footage of this match we have Monsoon saying "Look at that back body drop he almost did a 360."

Basic Result: "Ravishing" Rick Rude [with Bobby "The Brain" Heenan] picks up the W. here.

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