Tuesday 25 May 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 29/08/1988 Match 5/Part 5 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 29/08/1988 Match 5/Part 5 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there are flashing/colourful effects at some point in this match slot with cameras going off and lighting.

Background information: now because of  Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake being brutally attacked by "Outlaw" Ron Bass as we have already seen in this Pay-Per-View, the Censored; well kind of Censored footage at an earlier event, we now have no No1 Contender for the Intercontinental Championship Match here. So the Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man [with Colonel Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart] are always happy so says Hart in this interview with "Mean" Gene Okerlund earlier in the night on this Pay-Per-View; as Okerlund tries to tell them about this replacement, but the Intercontinental loves surprises so he doesn't want to know, so the Champion with his Manager come out first here and get impatient for an opponent; but they will quickly regret being impatient as The Ultimate Warrior runs down to the ring to take on the current Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man for his Intercontinental Championship.

Match/Stipulations: The Ultimate Warrior vs. the Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man [with Colonel Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart:] Singles Match for the Intercontinental Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 6/10

Match Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon & "Superstar" Billy Graham 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 42/60 - this match is good

Comments: well first things first we have Graham saying on commentary I tell you the guy has had that title for over two years Gorilla Monsoon" [Lie 454 days is not two years; it is one year, two months and four weeks; yes I know technically that is three months, but I am trying to remain unbiased by putting these days into a calculator and it comes up in this; so I have dictated it as such.] Then whilst watching the replay Graham calls "a big splash" [receiver on the mat cross ways and aggressor comes off the ropes running and jumping on top of the receiver.] But Graham called it a "body slam" but in fairness and balance is quickly and efficiently overruled by Monsoon and calls it "a big splash" consequently Graham goes with that name as well.

This is one of those occasions where even though this match was so short and when I say so short we are looking at 31 seconds so yes this match is a squash match [squash match wrestling terminology means; a match that runs for a very short time, quite possibly with one opponent depending on the stipulation not getting much in the way of offense and consequently taking away the credibility of the one receiving the squash match treatment. So case and point The Ultimate Warrior literary steam rolls through and tramples underneath his feet; the longest reign of this Championship's history of 454 days [this record is still standing to this very day or just to cover my back in the future; when this was first dictated. ] On one hand looking back you could say that The Ultimate Warrior and others that were already around at this time as well represented the current and new guard of what was to come in the 1990's with their hard-hitting, colourful by appearance and attitude; so this was a unceremonious passing of the torch; whilst on the other hand Man was somewhat protected [a smidgen] by this; because he didn't know who he was facing for his Championship; yes I know he chose not to know before this match, but doing it this way it shows he is/was an Heel being cocky and arrogant, but it still gives him an element of protection from this loss. I know Warrior's entrance in its entirety is designed to get the crowd pumped and it was always guaranteed to get a pop, but let's show a little bit of love to the Crowd Participation for them making this squash match an iconic moment in the history of SummerSlam and in the first-ever one as well.

Basic Result: I know I have already told you the result but I still have to do my admin; so your New Intercontinental Champion is The Ultimate Warrior

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