Saturday 22 May 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 29/08/1988 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE SummerSlam 29/08/1988 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: there are flashing/colourful effects at some point in this match slot with cameras going off and lighting.

Background information: Now usually I wouldn't bring this up but I just wanted to point out how stupid this is; there is some censored content before this match, between  "Outlaw" Ron Bass and Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, but it is a complete joke. Because before and after this censored warning in this content, we are still watching this content where we clearly see Beefcake graphically being assaulted by Bass and his whip and even when this censored warning comes up now and again you can still see blood because the censor warning is a cross with the word “Censored” so it doesn’t completely cover the screen, so they could have used smaller red crosses to cover up the blood. I know this is kayfabe and no I couldn't do much better because I don't have the know-how but how come watching Beefcake being graphically assaulted is okay, but whatever happens under this censor is not even though as I have just said we have seen blood and I know it was a different world back then and no I am not complaining about the content but even in the 1980's or 2021 it just comes off really amateurish and idiotic here is a great idea since as soon as this whip becomes a factor censor the entire be down and make it look a professional censor job as well. I will be discussing this later as well because it impacts on to another match on this Card.

Match/Stipulation: Bad News Brown vs. Ken Patera: Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 2/10

Match Storyline: 2/10

Crowd Participation: 3/10

On Commentary: Gorilla Monsoon & "Superstar" Billy Graham 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 5/10

Recommend Watch: 1/10

Match Total: 20/60 - this match is poor

Comments: how the hell did this match get booked on this Pay-Per-View Card? Because it is just terrible, this match is so clunky. Monsoon and Graham are doing a good job at covering up this match on commentary, but there is only so much they can do. What they should have done is put this match on first and then have the first match second, because of two reasons; the first just to get this match out of the way with and the second reason is; because they can build up the atmosphere and momentum on the second match for this Pay-Per-View with a bounce hopefully for the remaining of it, because as things are; this match does subtract a lot of the atmosphere and momentum generated from the first match.

Now just in case if you're wondering why this match has 5/10 in the Satisfying Conclusion Category; it is good just to see this match come to its conclusion [so yes this is not a positive but it makes logical sense.] But let's be positive for two seconds Brown has a useful kick [he stands behind his opponent to one side and roles forward to deliver this kick with both feet [if you want to see it as a single foot, that is up to your discretion but there are two feet being used on the follow-through] to the back of his opponents head in this case Patera's head [this move is better known as Ghetto Blaster;] this is good.

Basic Result: Bad News Brown goes over here






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