Monday 17 May 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 5/Part 5 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 5/Part 5 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there are flashing effects/colourful effects at some point during the entrances and yes the Champions come out first, based on an educated guess but still speculation that the Contenders will get a big pop from the audience and Disclaimer I am not ever likely to be a professional wrestler.

Match/Stipulations: The Allied Powers [Lex Luger & The British Bulldog] vs. Owen Hart & Yokozuna [with Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette:] Tag Team Match for the WWF Tag Team Championships

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 8/10

On Commentary: Jerry "The King" Lawler & Vince McMahon 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 7/10

Match Total: 43/60 - this match is good.

Comments: now as I have just said this match is good; Lawler made a racial comment about a member of the Spanish Commentary Team [Hugo Savinovich & Carlos Caberea] Lawler says "Someone ring his Taco Bell." [Even though I have dictated these names as they appear in this order on-screen Vince McMahon says them the other way around, I only point this out to highlight Lawler is referring to Hugo Savinovich with this comment.

This is basic Heel work from Lawler [How to be a Heel in Professional Wrestling. Lesson 1: insult your audience or someone that is different to you on any level; but be warned update your material to fit in with modern culture including the rules of that modern culture of what is and isn't acceptable.] I am guessing that Lawler forgot to read the warning part of this lesson, because for here and now in the 1990's his material is acceptable but later on down the line not so much as I made reference to in the previous match I will leave the link lower down; yes once again this is speculation but there is a case of potentially Lawler just saying things that he is told to say at some point down the line through his headset from backstage, but back to here and now Vince McMahon says "I beg your pardon." [In fairness and balance this could be McMahon talking to Lawler and us at the same time, so he could be swiftly apologizing.]

Disclaimer: I am not a professional wrestler and never likely to be one. But on to this match there is a botch back body drop aggressor Bulldog and the receiver Hart; on the point of going up and over on a closer look of what I can tell Bulldog has gone low down on Hart's body roughly around his upper legs/hips just about hips area, so speculation again may be consequently Hart doesn't get enough lift and doesn't flip over which I have to be honest as soon as he went up you knew/you know when you come to watch this match something has gone wrong he never looked like he was in control this is one of those occasions where you just have to brace yourself for impact, because there is absolutely nothing he can do, as he goes down on his far shoulder and lands like a mound. The more I look at this incident the more it becomes comical, because it looks like Hart is just diving into a swimming pool, but it is just dawning on him "Hold on this swimming pool doesn't have any water in it; Oh turd!"

The fact that we have Lawler also making reference to this on commentary; it just reinforces something hasn't gone according to plan here. "Oh, high up-Oh no. Oh, right down on the shoulder" with Vince McMahon interrupting and saying "Unbelievable" Lawler continuing "That could do it right there." There is just one more indication, to be precise three more indications that something hasn't gone according to plan and 1 hour and 26 minutes and 57 seconds you have Cornette giving a little away of what we see because the camera moves off him and onto Yokozuna in their corner breaking kayfabe with his hand over his eyes giving it away something hasn't gone according to plan and Mr. Fuji remains in character facing left/walking left carrying the Japan flag in the background and to the right of the same scene with Yokozuna having his hand over his eyes; but his body language giving him away.

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm! Link

Basic Result: Owen Hart & Yokozuna [with Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette] Retain their WWF Tag Team Championships here. I have one massive question here and yes I have researched this before dictating it; okay Vince McMahon/Mr. McMahon you love big muscular guys as your go to model of wrestlers, so why wasn't The Allied Powers [Lex Luger & The British Bulldog] your WWF Tag Team Champions? I have just found out they were active from 02/01/1995 to 04/09/1995, so not that long but long enough to have given them one run with these Tag Team Championships; I mean full disclosure I didn't know this tag team combination existed until this match, but this just seems like a no-brainer to me and whilst I was researching this I also researched a legendary tag team [I wasn’t sure if they had or not, I couldn’t remember] that were never given these Tag Team Championships and they should have been The Mega Powers [Hulk Hogan & Randy "Macho Man "Savage with Miss Elizabeth] first run 03/10/1987 to 03/02/1989; this would have been a great image of this trio holding these WWF Tag Team Championships, yes I know they didn't need these Championships, but still it would have been a great image if they were just to hold them for something small but realistic, I would've been happy with a two-month reign, but that is enough of a walk down memory lane.


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