Sunday 16 May 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 4/Part 4 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning/Disclaimer: there are flashing effects/colourful effects at some point during the entrance of The Roadie or Double J. Jeff Jarrett or "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels and at the end of this match as well. Disclaimer; I have never been trained or likely to be trained as a professional wrestler.

Match/Stipulations: "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels vs. the Intercontinental Champion Double J. Jeff Jarrett [introduced by/with The Roadie:] Singles Match for the Intercontinental Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 9/10

Match Storyline: 9/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: Jerry "The King" Lawler & Vince McMahon 8/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 8/10

Recommend Watch: 8/10

Match Total: 52/60 - this match is excellent

Comments: in one way or another there is a lot happening in this match slot before, during and after this match. But let's just focus on in this match; first thing first; Vince McMahon seems to be having technical issues with his headset so we have Lawler flying solo on commentary for a little time, so there was a time where Lawler was good on commentary, I was just thinking I would point this out,  because if you have been with me long enough; you know at some point or another I have been quite clearly negative about his future [based on here and now at this point in history it is the future commentary is in one word "Terrible" and that is me putting it nicely. So I have to  give him some praise when it is good; Heel work.] Moving on to the Disclaimer: as we know I am not or never likely to be a trained professional wrestler as I had previously stated; so my opinion is based on speculation/observation; now where I said in a previous match [Match 2/Part 2 Spoiler Alarm! I will put the link lower down;] to be a little bit more specific  Men on a Mission [King Mabel & Sir Mo] vs. "The Bad Guy" Razor Ramon & Savio Vega: Tag Team Match;  Where I said "it hardly sounds or looks safe" as I was referring to the ring.

But now I get it; because if you look between that match and this match I think in this match this is how things are meant to roughly go. Where because Michaels and Jarrett are roughly of similar build they can use the springy nature of this ring here to basically fly or fling or anything to make a match look good or entertaining. But in the tag team match they are averagely speaking bigger build so maybe this ring to a certain extent isn't built for them; but I should point out I could be talking absolute garbage as well to be fair; but then again to be fair to myself this is just an observation.

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWF/WWE In Your House #2 23/07/1995 Match 2/Part 2 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm! Link

Basic Result:  your New Intercontinental Champion is "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels

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