Thursday 28 January 2021

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 36 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 36 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up/#SpeakingOut Warning: as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my content, but I do use softer versions of what I mean; this Volume I will be discussing Women's wrestling and I will be discussing #SpeakingOut in a Kayfabe sense; this will make perfect sense when you get to it,

WWE: I may as well begin by saying; "A lot of this Volume/Blog is going to irritate some people out there in Internet land." So I was right then the Women's Revolution is and was a publicity stunt from this company.

Because currently it is the Charlotte Flair Show, I know I have said this in another Blog which I am currently working on a In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Royal Rumble 2021, but I don't really care I am going to say it here as well.

In my eyes she will never be a WWE Hall of Famer, yes she will be in there someday, but regardless if you like my opinion or not the fact remains she is using her Father's name [Ric Flair to get everywhere in her career,] if you have a problem with what I'm saying just look at her in every way shape and form she is just a female version of her Father, I mean she called in what the WWE owe her to win the Women's Royal Rumble Match 2020, then went on to capture the NXT Women's Championship from Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 36/2020 which it has taken Rhea Ripley some time to recover from this; on top of that Charlotte of what I have been reliably told put no one over and because of the global pandemic this feud/angle has been scrapped [which the WWE cannot be blamed for this;] so as far as I can tell this is just been an exercise of how much credibility on her Father's credibility card she has, because I have been watching or around wrestling for long enough to know if her name was and Flair or a famous dynasty within this company the WWE would play "Are they still with the company? Good let's add extra time on their contract because they haven't been working for us, so they can't go anywhere."Case and point anyone seen Alastair Black lately? Yes this is speculation on my part that they will do this; but this is what they do in these situations, so I have no doubt Charlotte can wrestle I am not denying that, because it is clear she can and has some credibility in her own right, but she is literally being handed everything for an example she walks back in to the WWE and is handed literally handed a WWE Women's Tag Team Championship, so it begs the question if she wasn't given this on her return would she even be back?

Additional: meaning when I first began dictating this I have come back and inserted it whilst doing this blog; whatever respect I had for Charlotte I no longer have; based on the grounds of I did some research just to make sure I didn't misunderstand something and I haven't; because I found these Tweets - Replying to @MsCharlotteWWE

I keep looking for the article where you trash one of the male champions for taking time off and being inserted back into the title picture. Didn’t find one. Shocking. Wonder why [Face rolling of eyes emjoji]

Charlotte Flair @MsCharlotteWWE

I am in the title picture, and I will always be in the title picture. It’s one of those unfortunate side effects of excelling at something; you wouldn’t understand Date of Tweets Thursday 14/01/2021.

Now there is so much wrong with this I don't know where to begin; needless to say I am beyond fuming and the only thing stopping me from telling you 100%/unfiltered about this situation is the fact I don't use adult language in my content.

But let's begin shall we and I know I have said this already somewhere in this Volume/Blog but it is clear someone/Charlotte Flair doesn't understand and is clearly forgetful but then again she does work for the WWE this is their whole mantra forgetting things but they're Universe doesn't. So you want an article of us trashing a male wrestler? I can give you one better just go and look at Roman Reigns' for his first singles push after The Shield first broke up until unfortunately he had to go and battle leukemia for the second time; you will find plenty of content on us trashing him.

Your arrogance is just nepotism based on your just a carbon copy of your Father and he earned everything, whilst you go around like him that doesn't mean you excel at something, to excel at something you either take little bit of your previous generation like in this case getting you in the door of the WWE you drop the name Flair and you work on creating your own legacy, I am not expecting everyone to do what has done and have the same effect on the wrestling industry/Film and TV industries as the same effect of the Death Star on Alderaan.

But to say you will always be around a title picture is just bull turd, because this signifies to me that unfortunately you may have been a pioneer to get the Women's Revolution up and going to a certain point it also know tells me you will probably be the reason why it will not develop any further, because between you and the hierarchy of this company you will probably monopolize it until you retire and in fairness and balance it isn't just her, I feel quietly confident when Becky Lynch returns whenever that may be and likewise Ronda Rousey likewise whenever that may be it will be like they have been left; basically the return of the Woman’s Revolution and possibly WWE Evolution [this is speculation on my part.]

 Because I don't like painting people with the same brush, I do feel that Lynch on her return whenever or if ever this happens she comes over as somebody [I am not just talking about character/performer but as a person] she will probably will win a Championship again, but do this reverse elevating/putting over thing where it isn't about elevating her it is about elevating opponents so good matches, close matches with someone beating her eventually; hopefully creating this hotbed of established characters/performers behind her.

So as it relates to Charlotte saying you wouldn't understand, I cannot speak for everybody but it is clear I do [but back to our regular scheduled programming; end of additional.]

Unfortunately I can see things getting rough for Asuka over the next couple of months, Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax will not win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions at this year's Royal Rumble, but they will win them at WWE WWE Elimination Chamber 2021, to set up this implosion angle of Charlotte vs. the Raw Women's Champion Asuka at WrestleMania 37/2021 which of course Charlotte will win [which I am getting the feeling of a slight déjà vu here; where have I seen this before Oh yes Tuesday SmackDown Live  26/03/2019 to set up; Becky Lynch vs. the Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey vs. the SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair; Winner Takes All; Triple Threat Match for the WWE Raw Women's Championship and WWE SmackDown Women's Championship.

I am just going to come out and say it as politely as I can why is it that the WWE continuously give Asuka dog turd, masses and masses of dog turds to work with I mean she could go absolutely anywhere in the wrestling industry and she would be treated as she rightly deserves as a massive star instead of a second fiddle or much worse; I don't even care if she heads to AEW or not I just want her out of the WWE or at this point I would take her back on NXT to put herself over and put over a younger talent; you know the thing that Charlotte didn't do as the NXT Women's Champion.

Yes we are only getting started on this topic of Women's Wrestling; I really get the feeling that the WWE don't know what image to project; they either go with the Women's Revolution and do everything to back that by having competitive individual Divisions or likewise a competitive Tag Team Division and their respective Championships or they go back to SmackDown Live Karaoke Showdown; Tuesday 10/07/2020 or much recently this entire triangle thing between Lacy Evans, Ric Flair Oh for the life of me I cannot remember the other member of this triangle... Oh who is it... Oh yes I have just remembered Charlotte, how did this company cope without her; but I digress on this past week of RAW Monday 25/01/2021 being in this awkward sexual undertone situation [full disclosure I haven't seen this live or clips, but I have seen pictures.] So basically pick one way or another they cannot claim to be both especially on this topic. But then again I have just realized by them not at the very least suspending

Velveteen Dream last year #SpeakingOut for alleged for all intents and purposes let's just say inappropriate behaviour online, so by suspending him it shows that we the WWE are taking these kind of things seriously, instead of having Triple H. saying something to the effect of we couldn’t find anything and at minimum it takes him out of the firing line And I do remember Velveteen Dream being injured and having legal issues at this time as well four speeding or getting arrested for something, but by them not doing this may be that is their response just to cover my back I am simply stating actions speak louder than words and nothing more here, in fairness and balance they have released people for inappropriate sexual behaviour of some nature [I’m just trying to put this politely or not to graphic or dark, because I know it is suitable for any age or at minimum I have tried to censor what I am saying.]

On top of that I have seen a segment of RAWTalk [same date] and yes I'm aware that this could be partly Shoot and/or Kayfabe [this is just a rough description and the two points that really struck me; where she says all I ever wanted to do was protect my Father's legacy and this is where I got thinking "His legacy is set in stone it is untouchable it will remain forever as a cornerstone of the wrestling industry and not forgetting he has not one but at this current time two WWE Hall of Fame Rings [individually WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008 and The Four Horsemen [of himself, Arn Anderson, Barry Windham, James J. Dillon & Tully Blanchard.] I mean if they want to give Ric Flair a hat trick of Hall of Fame Rings they could induct Evolution [of himself, Triple H. Randy Orton and Batista,] which I am sure no one would mind and if you're going to put someone in the Hall of Fame on three separate occasions as I am trying to illustrate Ric Flair has more than enough to justify this rare yet prestigious honour.

So putting this politely you are talking out of your posterior. Then she says I have done everything in my power to show it is my work ethic and not my last name. Which frankly if she wasn't talking out of her posterior the first time around she definitely was here, because if she wanted to stand on her own two feet she would drop everything from her wrestling persona on every aspect, everything new minus her figure 8 leg-lock, she can keep that because it is a mixture of her submission and honouring her Father; this is respectable and cool and not forgetting to put people over instead of taking the glory for herself and briefly yes she is my pick to win The Women's Royal Rumble Match 2021, because who else would win it seriously? That is right absolutely no one they need to put her on the Card for WrestleMania 37/2021 so this would be the quickest way, they haven't been pushing anyone so Charlotte is clearly going to win and whilst I'm on the subject why the hell is Ric Flair working for the WWE through this pandemic when he is in the highest age bracket of risk?

You see there is a very specific reason why I have gone into this topic on the large scale and it is to create this moment; why is this Kayfabe storyline seemingly okay to go with? When a little time ago we had Buddy Murphy [32] and Aalyah Mysterio [19]  in a Kayfabe/on-screen relationship and I know, I know of #SpeakingOut, but my perfect point is this; they either back the Woman's Revolution to the hills 100% or push it under the carpet like Mr. McMahon's second attempt at the XFL, so they can have these Kayfabe storylines which I see the difference but if we were being realistic there is no difference between Lacy Evans [30] and Ric Flair [71,] Buddy Murphy [32] and Aalyah Mysterio [19;] the only difference being based on each which one would be in a position of domination and submissive; based on their physical, mental and emotional prime [just to cover my back and to make this crystal clear I know this is Kayfabe and #SpeakingOut is real to be honest because I understand Kayfabe I didn't have a problem with Murphy and Aalyah Mysterio, because I was looking at making two stars together and Aalyah Mysterio could have been the up-and-coming manager of wrestlers and four this entire Lacy Evans and this entire Ric Flair relationship sexual undertone thing; I hate to break it to you but this is what the WWE has been doing since the mid-90's so this is nothing new no really this is nothing new sex sells.

Moving on to something different now; how or why is Nia Jax still got a job? She needs to be gone, but we have been saying this kind of thing for some time now what with injury after injury being coursed by her hands or actions, a cynical old goat like me would speculate this would be another case of nepotism as she comes from a wrestling family dynasty [Anoa'i which I have already mentioned another two members of this family; Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Roman Reigns - Cousins,] I had to look this up I knew there was a family here but I could never remember the family name, so to keep her family on side they will probably keep her under contract.

But the sad thing is she looks to be reveling possibly in Kayfabe I don't know anymore with her, but her Twitter behaviour is all kinds of wrong; with a response of this [Rolling on the floor laughingFace with tears of joyRolling on the floor laughing emjojis] Glad to see I’m still living rent free in all you weak ass loser’s heads [Face throwing a kiss emjoji] yes of course this is her in Kayfabe; Tweet Reply Date Tuesday 26/01/2021, this is just one example of her Twitter behaviour after she delivered a very, very hard Power Bomb/Chokeslam combination to Dana Brooke on the same Monday I have already referenced, luckily Dana Brooke is okay.

Now the reason why I said possibly in Kayfabe I don't know anymore with her. Because simply based on the fact that I will give her and I believe she doesn't mean to do these things intentionally, but at the same time these situations keep occurring and I know in wrestling sometimes you have got to make a lump of coal into gold and yes the only time that it worked out was when she punched Becky Lynch to give her this iconic moment on Monday RAW 12/11/2018 Women SmackDown invasion of RAW Women and that entire angle for Survivor Series 2018 and all of that where Becky Lynch suffered a broken face which was messy.

This is where possibly comes into it, because I am looking from the perspective of as I have already said these things keep happening and there seems to be no improvement on her performances, I am aware that mishaps happen in a wrestling ring or wherever, but of what I can remember if you look at all of her incidents there seems to be no change in them from trying to protect or lessen the impact on to her working partner and I don't know about everyone else, but I would really appreciate if but more a case of when she screws up again she doesn't attempt to make gold out of coal either come out and acknowledge she has made a mistake or if she doesn't just say nothing.

I am just simply pointing out/saying eventually if this continues the WWE will not be able to do anything with her, because their Universe will permanently have made the decision to take a massive turd on her whenever they see her if the WWE hierarchy doesn't address this ongoing problem this may happen much sooner than you think basically another Roman Reigns situation.

On the other side SmackDown of what I have heard is doing generally speaking much better, but specifically on the Women's side of things this just seems to be plodding along nicely with Sasha Banks as their Women's Champion, I just have one more thing to say why the hell did they break up The IIconics this was a massive mistake, it's not like the WWE has many Tag Teams in their Women's Tag Team Division and of this reliable good chemistry and gimmick.

All Elite Wrestling: in comparison this company are doing much better, now I do realize on saying this it is going to need a lot of explaining; I am looking from the perspective of yes it has some distance to catch up to other promotions and it had a very rocky beginning that I can't deny, but however I would and do back this promotion on the concept of it is real. Real meaning there is no publicity stunt of the Woman's Revolution [yes they have #AEWHeels] and in the next moment storylines or feuds or anything like this to undermine or discredit that message they are just slowly building something which is women's wrestling and because they haven't made the Women's Revolution a massive thing; they have been over more recent times just focusing on wrestling, it should give them a little bit of credibility or leeway if something is done in joking which doesn't go down well or something doesn't go according to plan, what can I say at the moment they are in a good groove; a quick mention has to go out to NWA [National Wrestling Alliance] for allowing their current NWA Women's Champion Serena Deeb and  their previous Champion Thunder Rosa to either defend their Championship or have a feud on AEW TV programming.

Like they have the AEW Women's World Championship Eliminator Tournament; No1 Contender's for the AEW Women's World Championship coming up very soon on Wednesdays AEW: Dynamite this should be great, I was disappointed they didn't do this with last year's AEW Women's Tag Team Cup Tournament instead of putting it on their YouTube Channel and having the final just the final on a AEW: Dynamite Saturday 22/08/2020, I like tag team wrestling.

Basically please AEW just keep going in the same direction with your Women's Wrestlers or outside Women Wrestlers you have something concrete to build on now, it is okay if you have some little slipups on the way but you really do have something solid to build on at the moment; it isn't a race keep progressing the way you are [If you have got to the end of this well-done to you.]
















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