Wednesday 27 January 2021

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 35 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 35 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up/Disclaimer Warning: as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my content, but I do use softer versions of what I mean; I do have a lot to say but I will not put it all in here, because I have just realized it is getting bigger and bigger, so I will roughly focus on this global pandemic for now and I am not a medical professional [this will apply later on in this Volume/Blog.]

WWE: now I really wasn't going to start this now, because I have been working on other content, but that all changed when it had come to my attention that this company are not paying for their wrestling talent/Independent Contractors to have the vaccination against this global pandemic, because say it with me "They are Independent Contractors!" So if they wanted they will have to pay for it; obviously this isn’t gone down too well backstage and some have said “Not surprised.” Yes it is true they could possibly afford it, based on the grounds of what stage they are in their careers, but as we go through this section I will be illustrating why the WWE should pay for their everyone to have their vaccinations

Now on hearing this I was best described as fuming because this company throughout this pandemic have really shown how unbelievably archaic they are from insuring wrestling is an essential business when it so isn't not taking this pandemic seriously until sometime in August 2020 even now there are some in this company that do not believe in this global pandemic; firing or furloughing people [which in fairness and balance those furloughed have come back to the company,] but I should point out that they didn't need to fire anybody or likewise furlough anybody based on the grounds this company has so much money they would have been financially fine, but don't worry they made record profits last year, but wait there's more prohibiting their Independent-Contractors from running their own third party platform [so they can make extra money especially at this time throughout this global pandemic,] unless they work under the WWE umbrella which means the WWE gets more money in one way or another.

But if the talent wants to risk a backlash from this company if they disobey them they are looking/running the risk of a warning, a suspension or being fired [in the case of Zelina Vega.] Well that goes for everyone but if your name is Bruce Prichard [Executive Producer of RAW and SmackDown] this does not apply to or seemingly apply to him as he gave Amazon gift vouchers to the WWE writing team for last Christmas 2020; he gave them inside his Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard podcast envelopes; needless to say it didn't sit well with them, because of the situation with Zelina Vega.

My point here is this; why is it one rule for one and one rule for another? Especially when the ones you are penalizing are literally taking bumps on a weekly basis to make more money for you Mr. McMahon and you cannot look at the bigger picture and give them two jabs to protect them from this global pandemic so they can make more money for you; in fact even though I suffer from brain damage and a mental illness for me this is a no-brainer pay for them to have two jabs or whatever it takes to get them protected from this global pandemic, because it insures they make more money for you and it will encourage them to sign longer contracts so they are making money for you and no one else, the more time I spend thinking about this the more it just makes crystal clear sense, because in the WWE landscape of money this is just a little [yes it's going to be very expensive] but to this company this is nothing, considering over the next five years they will be making $1 billion after selling The WWE Network US rights to NBCU’s Peacock and the same deal for Fox and SmackDown [the only difference being one is an online subscription service and the other is on TV] not forgetting the highly lucrative yet highly controversial Middle East business deal, so I think the WWE can easily afford some jabs.

All Elite Wrestling: well as it relates to AEW they have been taking the proper precautions from day one as it relates to this global pandemic, but I would stress caution, because they have had a breakout recently [may be because of the festive period and the same can be said for Impact Wrestling as they like to mingle.] But even now as these two companies are I think it is safe to say in a working partnership, I would still stress caution and just to cover my back; I don’t know what AEW art going to do when a vaccination becomes available, we will have to wait and see; you see unlike the WWE they haven’t come out and said and on this particular point I don’t want to speculate, because they deserve the right to come out And say it first like the WWE has; that is if they wanted to, they may want to keep it private but either way they deserve that right. But AEW as a business don’t have the same incoming money as the WWE yes I am aware they have wealthy financial backers, but they are trying to run AEW as a business, because they don’t want to end up in the same situation as WCW, but as I have already said they have a right to come out and say or keep it private.

Now it may sound like I am being soft on this company, that isn't necessarily true because I will be finishing on this individual; before I continue now obviously I don't want anyone to get a case of this global pandemic, but in this case it is very much a case of "Well I could see that coming" and like I have already said I am not a medical professional, so I am dealing with speculation on my part mixed in with at minimum it is a possibility.

So Chris Jericho has recently revealed in September 2020 he had contracted this global pandemic, he was surprised because he showed no symptoms and took the proper precautions.

But however sometime between 7-16 of August 2020 he was performing with his band Fozzy at Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 2020 and there was massive of confirmed cases of this global pandemic at this Event in fact I have seen a picture of him and his Band performing and let's just say based on this picture the proper precautions are not being used here; but wouldn't have attended this Event either as a crowd member or a performing artist; just no thank you very much.

So this is all I'm saying on this matter, but I had to be balanced, because I am a balanced kind of guy and I didn't want the WWE fan base coming back at me for not bringing this up.

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