Friday 8 January 2021

Steel 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Steel 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical element/animal cruelty

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable and the same can be said for the pacing.

Action/Comedy: these two components go hand-in-hand here are just two examples of it; we have our lead character/performer Irons/O'Neal chasing this individual; this individual climbs and jumps over this wired fencing, but because Irons/O'Neal he is physically tall and very strong so he just lifts this fence door and breakthrough it with the lock still on.

Irons/Steel/O'Neal and Martin/Ray J trapped with this live grenade; so Irons/Steel/O'Neal has to throw this grenade into this hole to get it out of where they are trapped. But consistently throughout this film there is this running joke that Irons/Steel/O'Neal is no good at Basketball [for those of a younger age he was a Professional Basketball Player in the NBA; began with Orlando Magic 1992-1996 with another four Franchises and ending his Playing Career at Boston Celtics 2010-2011.]

Action individually; there is this elevator reeked to give way when Burke/Nelson presses this button on this control, weapons being used and vehicles of different uses being used as well from a skateboard to a tank.

Comedy individually: Sparks/Gish changes Irons/O'Neal's voice in this conversation using her computers between this microphone, based on what I can see it looks like one of those microphones that you need to keep your thumb down on the button to talk [they can hear Col. David's reply over her computer's] and telephone to protect his identity from Col. David/Nipier; Irons/O'Neal voice is Arnold Schwarzenegger's, Col. David/Nipier guesses in this conversation that it is Irons/O'Neal, but obviously he doesn't confirm it in fact he ends the call.

Art: there are these scenes in the opening of hot steel including other elements in this film, this scene of The Gateway Arch [St. Louis; the United States of America] and when Irons/O'Neal for Steel's helmet is hot looks good/good art, my opinion completely changes when we see the finished Helmet; let's just say Tony Stark/Iron Man wouldn't be able to stop laughing at this Helmet; Irons/Steel/O'Neal has credibility until you get to the Helmet and then to put this politely not so much.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry; like the storyline and pacing they are safe and reliable; they do their job there are designed to do.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; the saving grace about this project is the fact it comes from the 1990's to be more specific 1997 meaning because it comes from this decade; you get to experience what comic book films were like back in the day, I just wouldn't expect the standard of 2021 because you will be sorely disappointed.

I mean in theory I wouldn't mind seeing at some point in the future a reboot/modernized re-telling of this character which I knew nothing about before this and I still only know a pinch of salt, but back in reality I have been doing this kind of thing for long enough to know even with or without this global pandemic this would be a big financial risk considering this film bombed at the box office [this would be a nice way of describing its performance] and generally speaking no one likes this film, so I don't see a reboot happening anytime soon or to be much, much more precise never happening in a million years.

But it would be good to have another African-American in the DCEU [DC Extended Universe] or World of DC or whatever name they are going by these days.

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