Sunday 24 January 2021

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 5: Mine Is a Long and a Sad Tale by AverageMansReviews

DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 5: Mine Is a Long and a Sad Tale by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there are flashing effects/other effects/medical procedure/child abuse/kidnapping/flesh form into a face/facial scarring.

Back stories/They have colossal problems: the back stories and they have colossal problems [the character developments] go hand-in-hand Beth Kane/Alice and Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse; they have excellent back stories

I cannot stress enough of how much this TV program has colossal problems now; before this episode I was already highlighting or making references to how much Beth Kane/Alice being for one example "Why you should be wanting to watch this TV program "She was an excellent well-rounded character [the only character which had real substance] and now after watching this episode she is light-years like in a galaxy far, far away from anyone [minus Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse] ahead of everyone else.

Beth Kane/Alice is not only an excellent well-rounded character with substance now, she is a multilayered character on top, working backwards from the surface; a villain, mentally broken, abandoned by her family, victim, but deep down, deep, deep down is a deep caring and loving person towards her Stepbrother Mouse.

I am aware I have said she is a villain on the surface which is true, but it is impossible for me to see her as a villain now, yes she does bad things but what do you expect her to be like after everything she and Mouse have been through either individually or together if anything she is a vigilante.

Likewise Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse with his Stepsister comes off as on the surface a villain but underneath is broken, victim but deep, deep down is caring and is a loving Stepbrother towards his Stepsister Alice, they have a strong bond which cannot be broken them vs. the world that mentality and I would put him as the second character as it relates to characters with an all round real substance and multilayered character behind his Stepsister as it relates to character developments.

Which in turn makes everyone else connected to this situation; out and out villains [minus Mary Hamilton,] that is the dynamic I am feeling and seeing; I mean if Beth Kane/Alice is the vigilante with Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse being beside her; it makes the characters I have already highlighted as out and out villains.

But I have to be completely honest now including Mary Hamilton; all these other character developments are so weak without Beth Kane/Alice being on-screen in some capacity to put some passion or enthusiasm into things, there is nothing to these characters; it's like they dribble on and on; until it gets back to Beth Kane/Alice. Don't get me wrong these characters were boring me from the very beginning, but somehow they have just gotten worse or as Beth Kane/Alice has just grown into a really complex character the void between her and everyone else [minus Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse] has just grown and grown and so on.

So as far as I'm concerned as I have discussed in-depth/dictated they have colossal problems and we are only 5 Episodes in; they have in short done a colossal role reversal here and I'm not even sure where they're going next.

By the cover of some darkness: the action and art go hand-in-hand here; we have Kate Kane/Batwoman doing combat with Beth Kane/Alice's Wonderland gang in some dark with Beth Kane/Alice here as well but I digress light coming through the curtains and gaps like this; Kate Kane/Batwoman has a staff in her hands; the viewers can see this sequence normally as it is and then from her perspective with using night vision

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; as I have already said there is a clear colossal role reversal here as it relates to the character developments on a grand scale, but what I haven't said until now because I wanted to finish on this note it makes Beth Kane/Alice and Jonathan "Johnny" Cartwright/Mouse very likable characters.


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