Tuesday 1 December 2020

Year One 2009 by AverageMansReviews

 Year One 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/drugs/vomiting/human waste/eating of human waste/animal cruelty/slavery/ritual/character on fire/decapitation of head

Storyline/Comedy/Action: now including the pacing in one way or another these four components go hand-in-hand in this film; the storyline and the pacing are something safe and reliable.

The comedy can range between mature to adult to dark with a juvenile presence, so to show a combined effort of these three components we have Cain/Cross & Abel/Rudd following an interpretation of this biblical story with Zed/Black and Oh/Cera witnessing this eventual event; but at least the comedy content/material has a consistent presence in this title.

Comedy individually; for an example we have Cain/Cross and this whole thing with his Brother consistently in this film

Action individually; there are weapons being used in combat

Art individually; right of the beginning of this film there is a spider's web and the scenery are good.

Characters/Performers: including the on-screen chemistry these are all good; you know; they are what they are and stick to the formula.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; but having said that it does need Zed/Black to bring his enthusiastic presence to the table/on-screen, meaning this film needs him to make this project work, I feel comfortable suggesting this film would be lost without him that is for sure.








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