Sunday 6 December 2020

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: NXT TakeOver: In Your House 07/06/2020: Match 5/Part 5 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: NXT TakeOver: In Your House 07/06/2020: Match 5/Part 5 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Warning: everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my content; but I use softer versions of what I mean [this will make much more better sense later on in this blog.]

Match/Stipulation:  Tommaso Ciampa vs.  Karrion Kross [with Scarlett:] Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 7/10

Crowd Participation: 7/10

On Commentary: Beth Phoenix, Mauro Ranallo & Tom Phillips 7/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 7/10

Recommend Watch: 8/10

Match Total: 43/60 - this match is good.

Comments: it does what it is designed to do and that is to put over Karrion Kross [with Scarlett,] which it does that with great ease and it has enough offense from Ciampa so that it isn't an out and out squash match; they have gone with the approach of something like this; this massive tidal wave is hitting him when he is on his surfboard, he may have some opportunities to surf/fight back which on another day he may succeed, but for here and now he's just going to get wiped out off his surfboard, so he isn't going to lose anything here.

The reason why I have put an 8 in the Recommend Watch category; it is because they have done a fantastic job of presenting Karrion Kross [with Scarlett] this was my first time meeting this duo, I knew them of by reputation/what people were saying and I am now in agreement with them; if it should happen you have no idea of this duo just watch their entrance [it tells you straight away what we have here is simply a Big deal and the video package before their entrance gives you a taste of this wrestling gimmick.

Now I don't care if Tom Phillips did this off him back or was told to say this, but whatever the case may be; I have to say this is unbelievably stupid and idiotic and frankly I am fuming.

There is one moment after this match where Tom Phillips compares Kross to Brock Lesnar [we are looking at the replays after this match] where Philips says "And then I said it before Shades of The Beast incarnate"

So they do all of this fantastic work building up a new characters/gimmick to stand on its own two feet, to be interesting engaging and in one small reference where he has been saying at least more than once based on his dialogue here and yes I don't know this to be fact I am just going off his dialogue exchange here and yes I am very much aware he doesn't say Brock Lesnar's name but he may as well have.

Phillips or his puppet masters are already trying to chip away at this gimmick which has lots of potential; this is beyond stupid and Phillips or a his puppet masters couldn't have chosen a better comparison considering Lesnar has been a boil on the posterior of the WWE for many, many years now.

I mean if we are going to make comparisons the last performer that was compared to Lesnar, it didn't work out that well for him; yes he has had a good career and it isn't done yet. But Bobby Lashley could have been and still should be more than what he has achieved within I must stress the WWE, because when he was outside this Universe of what I heard and seen of bits and pieces he was achieving his potential and being treated/seen as a big deal.

For the record Kross has so much more to offer in his little finger than Lesnar ever had or before I receive backlash he ever wants or wanted to give, so having Phillips comparing Kross to Lesnar as far as I'm concerned is chalk and cheese.

I mean you may as well compare Kross to Keith Lee at least this would be accurate on some levels on the grounds of; yes they are two big guys which are incredibly powerful, but they are agile and quick and have much to bring to the table in their own rights with Scarlett in Kross' case; they are a package deal. This is how high I rate these characters/performers and gimmick I really don't want to see them nowhere near the Main Roster at all so they can't screw them up [I know this is an impossible request, because  if Mr. McMahon wants them  he gets them, so let's just hope they slip his attention/radar or no one tells him about them for a very long time.]

One final thing; whilst I have brought Phillips up is it me or is Ranallo and Phoenix doing most of the work on Commentary? Not only that but being generally speaking excellent at it so far through this Pay-Per-View and Phillips isn't bringing much to the Commentary.

The WWE should have been more understanding and respectful to Ranallo’s circumstances and if AEW need a new Commentator at some point, go and get him; this would be the first time I have heard him on commentary he brings a level of enthusiasm and knowledge to the Commentary Position and Phoenix brings a similar level of personality to the table as well; they gel and this is why the attributes in the category of On Commentary have been different levels of positivity but still positive.

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