Monday 14 December 2020

Average Extra of: DC's Batwoman 2019 Season 2 Trailer by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: DC's Batwoman 2019 Season 2 Trailer by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

I have just seen a Trailer for Season 2 for this TV program and based on the fact that it is roughly over a minute long I have seen it quite a few times. So based on this trailer it looks better than the First Season and it could be much better than its predecessor as well as they could be doing something really, really smart and switching the focus from either Kate Kane or Ryan Wilder as Batwoman [obviously there will be still some focus on Ryan Wilder as the new Batwoman which hopefully lasts longer than Kate Kane and putting some focus on Kate Kane;] but putting more focus on Alice as she is their prize asset from the First Season [I have decided to drop the name Beth Kane,] because without giving too much away by the end of the First Season in the final Episode [Episode 20: O, Mouse!] She finally lays that name and who she was to rest by doing one final act so all that remains is Alice; but I digress using your prize asset as a spearhead for their Second Season and letting her be uninhibited to do what she wants when she wants could be a stroke of genius if they play it right.

But even though I have been positive so far I cannot deny I can see potentially some problems the easiest problem for me to point out would be the Batwoman costume "You ain't got no alibi you ugly Eh! Hey! You ugly" [yes these lyrics are from Daphne & Celeste with the song U.G.L.Y. 2000 and the other problem is it has every potential to fall into or similar pitfalls as its predecessor as well.

It is difficult to describe here but if you look at this Trailer closely you get that kind of feeling that on one hand this could be good quickly followed by on the other hand I get the feeling that under the surface there are problems which they haven't learned from; from the First Season which if this is the case; how stupid are they for basically doing the same thing expecting a different result. Before I receive backlash of any kind can I just point out firstly I have seen the entire First Season [which should be dropping soon in my blogs providing I don't lose them and secondly I don't want this to fail.]

But there is something to be said for not learning from your mistakes as in if you don't learn from them you are doomed to repeat them, so if this is the case fire the writers and directors and get new people in for the Third Season or cancel this TV program because if the TV ratings don't significantly improve and they are just catering for the same demographic of our society I would regard this TV program as an financial burden and no this is not coming from a Caucasian man heading towards his 40's [when this blog was first dictated,] it is coming from the perspective of a financial outlook; if it cannot do what it is designed to do of bring viewers and so much more importantly make money then it is deadweight.

But time will only tell and just taking 2 seconds to think about it; about the First Season based on its Trailer saying there being nothing wrong with it; shows how much I know, so I could be wrong about this Second Season as well.

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