Saturday 28 November 2020

Flight 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Flight 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/drugs/vomiting/medical procedures

Storyline: the storyline and the pacing they are both something safe and reliable.

Action/Art: there is this sequence [plane crash] where these two components go hand-in-hand; this is good.

Action individually; there is a weapon being used

Art individually; there are these skies with these crowds; these elements are also good.

Comedy/Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry all four of these components go hand-in-hand in this project [the comedy elements are not a consistent, but when they are used then it goes hand-in-hand] and the comedy ranges between adult to dark.

But for the other four components; they are what they are; they do their job, the on-screen chemistry between everyone involved feels normal as it relates to their connections to one another depending on their characters relationships. Whitaker/Washington and Mays/Goodman have an interesting relationship, let's just say "Who you gonna call?" Mays instead of The Ghostbusters and yes when you meet this character/performer he doesn't care what people think and he takes this to be an everyday occurrence so it is normal to him [this will make much more better sense after you have watched this film.]

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; on reflection I think this mark is better suited for this title then my original mark I had in mind; this project doesn't do anything wrong it just has a story to tell and it tells it. But in fairness and balance I should just point out this project did excellently in the Awards [15 Winners and 45 Nominations including 2 Oscar Nominations.]

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