Tuesday 20 October 2020

Wasted: The New Day and The Street Profits Become New Tag Team Champions at the WWE Draft 2020; Night 2 Monday RAW 12/10/2020 [including the WWE Women's Tag Team Division and Championship] by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: The New Day and The Street Profits Become New Tag Team Champions at the WWE Draft 2020; Night 2 Monday RAW 12/10/2020 [including the WWE Women's Tag Team Division and Championship] by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up:  as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my content, but having said that I have my ways around it; but using a softer version of what I mean and as there is so much happening in wrestling that I want to bring up; but there is not enough time to work on this contents and other contents so if I section off bit by bit in different blogs we might get somewhere. I have also included the WWE Women's Tag Team Division and Championship, because in short I don't have enough material to justify a separate blog, but they have identical issues to the two Men's Divisions and Championships.

Let's get down to business: I haven't done one of these blogs in some time so I was thinking I would begin with this [look at the title of this blog,] because this come to my mind first; I can't be the only one thinking "Man there is telling your viewers/Universe that you don't give two dumps about your shambles of not one but three Tag Team Divisions by the way this company books them and just point blank showing them how much you don't give two dumps, by simply having the two Men's Championships just switch hands [after this year's WWE Draft.] So your New Raw Tag Team Champions are Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods and your New SmackDown Tag Team Champions are The Street Profits [after a thrilling segment where they on Monday RAW 12/10/2020 involving WWE Official Adam Pierce just exchanged these Championships which took about 33 seconds.]

Now on some research for the upcoming sections; the consequence of doing this is massive, because what they have done in essence is just given these two Tag Teams two New Championships and runs [yes regardless if you like this or not this is based on fact; if you go and look up these two Tag Teams and the amount of days they have held their respective Tag Team Championships it will say 7 Days [when this blog was first dictated.]

Which should further more highlight that this company doesn't give two dumps about tag team wrestling if they can just in 33 seconds just change their Champions without some kind of match in between which yes in theory this would irritate me profusely, because I like tag team wrestling and genuine Championships [forget your 24/7 Championship,] deserves to be treated with respect and this is nothing but a complete joke as it relates to Tag Team wrestling. So yes I should be angry, but this is the WWE we are talking about here, nothing surprises me anymore about this wrestling promotion there is not a line they will not cross and I am not enforcing my perspective or opinion, but the sooner everyone makes peace with the idea of there is no line that they won't cross under their current and long-term Captain, a lot less angry, frustrated or anything other we will all be.

Once again before I receive some form of feedback I am aware they did it with their Main Championships switching Brands with the Universal Championship moving across with The Fiend" Bray Wyatt the 2019 Draft Thursday 31/10/2019 and WWE Championship heading in the opposite direction when the WWE Brock Lesnar quits SmackDown to go to RAW on Friday 01/11/2019. But even this storyline is much better then what they have done with these Men's Tag Team Championships [this and the previous paragraph had just dawned on me when I was working out a title for this blog.]

So you couldn't come up with vacating these two sets of Championships which in all rights they should have done and getting all your Tag Team wrestlers on either Brand to show up on RAW and have a massive Ladder Match where these two pairs of Championships are up hanging over the ring, where a wrestler takes down just one Championship he is eliminated from the match; he could wait at the top of the ramp to find out who his Tag Team partner is or they could have had a Rumble where the final two for each Brand are your New Brand Champions or they could have just had a short Tag Team Tournament [four teams in a tournament; I know they are short tournaments, but I'm not sure they have too many teams left,] one match each week on RAW and SmackDown until these tournaments have been concluded and taken things from there. But I would prefer if they had went with the Latter Match idea, any wrestler with a history of Tag Team wrestling is invited, this way we may have some new Tag Teams and feuds including consequently breaking up some tag teams, but my thinking process is "Well let's completely wreck these two men's divisions down to the ground and rebuild them." Because let's be 100% honest here this is what needs to happen in real life anyway if they are going to continue to run a to have these two Men's Tag Team Divisions and Championships; they are just too damaged so as I have illustrated the most efficient and quickest way to repair them is to take a bulldozer to them and build them up from scratch again; that is if they want to persist with these two separate Men's Tag Team Divisions and Championships.

I don't care if they had no planning for the Men's Tag Team Divisions and their individual Championships; this is not High School where you can just may be throw your homework in; on the last-second. This entire situation meaning the Draft should set up a year worth of new contents and yes I am very, very aware that they are incapable of doing long-term booking, they can't even do a month of booking, without their Captain changing his mind on their destination.. I mean I don't like the Draft; it is something which I have found to be incredibly annoying, cheap and tacky and extremely poorly executed; for a perfect example why take it RETRIBUTION to RAW, but not take the trio of The New Day to RAW as well.

Before I have someone coming back to me and saying "Well they wanted to break them up!" There is a better way of doing this; Kingston to RAW, Woods Free-Agent [eventually heading to RAW; maybe 3 weeks off TV to set up when Kingston needs support/backup in a feud; a run down to make the save, I know this is a well-used formula, but it is much better than what they have done] and Big E. to SmackDown, this way it gets over that common sense/embarrassing question I don't like The Draft as I have just said, but if we are going to use it let's use it properly shall we?

But the sooner they unify the Men's Divisions and Championships on the Main Brands at least [or think bigger picture and unify NXT Men's Division and Championships for one big stack Division] and allow the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship to go between RAW, SmackDown and NXT [even though I have suggested NXT, I wouldn't suggest doing this now; just based on the health risks and this global situation any other time why not absolutely; it could and should help with the  NXT Wednesday TV Ratings War with AEW: Dynamite [you know that war which they continuously keep losing week after week after week after week after week] or when this company do a UK tour have them go down to NXT UK and do the same for the men as well; after watching someone else's content, because I missed it when I was doing some research looking at the recap of results for RAW Monday 19/10/2020 I have this excellent question; even though it was referenced in the contents I had watched, but I will put it my way which is; what the hell is Peyton Royce doing tagging with Lacey Evans when you have just splited up an established and successful act in The IIconics [Peyton Royce & Billie Kay] when you may as well have kept them together and here is a great idea used them properly.

But nothing is going to change about these Tag Team Divisions and their Championships, because the Captain of this particular Titanic doesn't care if his ship is still taking on water regardless how much he instructs his Crew to keep patching up the hole with hammers, nails and wood as long as his ship is still able to sail that is all what matters; isn't that right Captain McMahon?




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