Saturday 5 September 2020

12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 2015/2020 by AverageMansReviews

12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 2015/2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is colourful effects/flashing effects/medical procedures/stabbing in the chin-neck area/shoot in the head.

Storyline/Characters/Performances: now unfortunately these three components go hand-in-hand here the storyline; it is something safe and reliable; but it does something majorly and I repeat majorly wrong, it settles everything down within roughly 20 minutes at the beginning of this film so the viewers know way too much way too early, the pacing is either; this is one of those occasions where I can speculate that even with or without this information given to us things would have still been very dull; you just get that feeling that this film just doesn't have a change of gear to it; it is monotone.

To back up my speculation a little the character developments are likewise something safe and reliable, but to bring up my previous point again it really doesn't help that in the opening sequence we the audience find out way too much; even when much, much later on in the film you can see this character turning just before it happens [yes I am trying not to give too much of the storyline away.]

The performances are mostly generic with [a little bit of comedy in the vehicles scene which I will discuss later] and with a bit of good on-screen chemistry between Police Officer Shaw/WWE 's Ambrose and Captain Matthews/Marshall,  but in fairness and balance I would like to highlight everything I have mentioned before talking about the performers themselves; to give these performers a little bit of credibility as in they were on a sinking ship and they did the best they could in this situation.

Action/Comedy/Art: there is a sequence where the action and comedy go hand-in-hand as well; it is where Police Officer Shaw/WWE 's Ambrose comes up with this idea to use this taser gun; to shoot this dead crooked Police Officer/hench-person in the posterior to reanimate him enough so he shoots his gun [this snowball effect.]

Action; individually yes there are weapons being used, combat and chasing.

Comedy; individually we are at some traffic lights, Police Officer Shaw/WWE 's Ambrose is in his vehicle, this other vehicle pulls up in the next lane we have with young man in his vehicle with his girlfriend music being played loudly, this young man is revving up his vehicle as to intimidate/challenge our lead character/performer to a race [because his girlfriend was already checking out our character's ride and our lead character/performer.] Police Officer Shaw/WWE 's Ambrose giving the look of "Really, you really want to do this" with a dark glaze look in his eyes. " With that this young man gives a hand gesture, our lead character/performer gives this impression of comical slightly bored whilst looking forward as he just flashes his police badge, with that this young man's ego quickly evaporates with his girlfriend laughing at him; then looking and smiling and winking at Officer Shaw/WWE 's Ambrose; looking really interested in him; Officer Shaw/WWE 's Ambrose looks at her calmly with an element of coolness to say "Not interested mixed with a pinch of this woman knows she can get a lot of attention from men possibly the wrong kind of man; he drives off leaving this couple sitting in this vehicle with obvious problems in their relationship, this feels natural and free-flowing from everyone in this scene.

Art; there is a cluster of scenes at the beginning of this title in one way or another of the sun; these are good.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; because it lays out so much so early we the viewers are just going through the motions here, I just wonder if AEW's Jon Moxley would have been a better fit here or a version of him as this character  Officer Shaw [for those people who don't know this is the same person Jonathan Good, but two very different wrestling personas in short Dean Ambrose was and very much is a extremely watered-down version of Jon Moxley; could have made a big impact on this film with his limitless enthusiastic passion. But back to this film after everything is said and done this mark is a fair conclusion.

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