Monday 15 June 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 17 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 17 by AverageMansReview

WWE: well I wish I could tell you anything that this company has done lately is surprising as it relates to the Jeff Hardy narrative or Bruce Prichard taking over from Paul Heyman as Executive Director of Raw alongside his already Executive Director position on SmackDown as well.

Now you may of noticed whilst I have been coming out with wrestling blogs, I am not particularly positive about the WWE, in short it is because I have been interested in wrestling since the 1980's and since the 1980's or slightly earlier this company hasn't changed much and on a quick side note I have tried to be positive about this company before, but as soon as I am slightly positive about them sooner or later; they kind of make me eat my words.

So this is one of those rare occasions I will try and be positive about this company; of what I understand from watching other people's contents Heyman was going in the right direction of going with younger characters/performers which as far as I'm concerned this is about 15 years behind schedule, this was never going to be an overnight success this is going to have to be years and years and years, many years down the line, if anything yes Heyman had some bloopers as it relates to some of the narratives in his lead creative position of this show. But what it has shown is he still has so, so much to offer the wrestling industry, if he is still able to look at today, tomorrow and next year for wrestling talent then he is priceless.

But unfortunately that is where my positivity ends for now; now this is just speculation because I don't know Mr. McMahon, but I wouldn't be too surprised if he said something to Prichard about systematically destroying most of what Heyman had built up minus McIntyre as the WWE Champion and originally I said Asuka as the Raw Women's Champion, but what I've learned today whilst watching someone else's material I don't see her lasting long as the Raw Women's Champion in fact it has just come into my mind that I can see them giving the Championship to Jax just to irritate everybody and to remind people that Mr. McMahon does what he likes; when he likes or it will go back to Charlotte, so now everyone minus McIntyre [for now; Mr. McMahon could always bring back Lesnar; please no more Lesnar] or Charlotte be afraid; be very, very afraid  I can see them also giving no time for the Tag Team Divisions be it male or female or Raw or SmackDown.

I can quite easily see King Corbin taking over the Mid-Cards which for people that are going to watch this; it will be torture like when Baron Corbin did this a little while ago under this persona.

Briefly I will discuss the Jeff Hardy narrative; yes it is exploitative and the only reasons why I haven't talked about it until now and why I am not angry about it; it is just simply down to this; what do you expect from this company really? Okay I feel like dropping a pipe bomb [in a wrestling terminology.]

You have Triple H. and HBK Shawn Michaels being progressive down in NXT on every single level in and outside of the ring whilst you have two people in Mr. McMahon and now Prichard using mostly any angle to get TV ratings be it a good idea or not, there is something wrong with this picture. On one hand you have this image of wrestlers and hierarchy working together to make their product the best they can with moving with the present times.

Whilst on the other hand the Main Rosters are just the plaything for the audience of one; Mr. McMahon I will be positive about the WWE again here I am excited for the future to see Triple H. and his people around him take over this company when Mr. McMahon either retires which will never happen or is no longer here; pipe bomb dropped!

All Elite Wrestling: now for me the Jericho Tyson feud thing isn't working, I have no idea why Tyson ripped a AEW T-shirt at that specific time and that in itself was painful to watch as you could tell it really didn't go to plan, then to flex up and get up in Jericho's face, then to have Jericho say something to the effect of "Very nice" and then everything kicking off from there. I could be absolutely wrong about this; but then again this is how I saw it; it's like Tyson had missed a dialogue exchange and just went straight into it.

It was a good thing he was doing this segment with Jericho; because he just makes this awkward situation into something feasible; let's just say if you haven't seen it yet which I am sure you all have, this segment had every potential of falling flat on its face and to be honest I am not keen on seeing Jericho vs. Tyson anytime soon, if this is just a taste of what is to come, I can see a train wreck in the future if the idea is any in-ring competition. Yes Jericho can still do it and yes he could get Tyson through the match if everything goes to plan, but I am speculating here if Tyson cannot get a promo segment right, how can he get the mechanics of a wrestling match right? This match isn't going to be pretty and not taking into consideration the potential of something unexpected going wrong, in a nutshell I can see a level of Goldberg vs. The Undertaker at Super ShowDown 2019 match here with one massive difference Goldberg and The Undertaker have been in the wrestling industry for many years and unfortunately this match took place 15 years too late. But here is my point Tyson is not a wrestler and neither him or Jericho are spring chickens, so basically I cannot be the only one seeing this potential massive train wreck?

I mean if they really have to do this; set it up as a tag team match Jericho & Guevara vs. Tyson & Hardy at All Out 2020, that way they can specifically protect Tyson, but also everyone involved and hopefully bring down the percentage of something going wrong.

FTR; the AEW Tag Team Division has just stepped up to a different level, I mean previously we have always known that this team was going places but in AEW with or without the Championships or singly yes their main purposes tag team dominance, but individually [still within their tag team,] sometime down the line I wouldn't mind seeing the AEW TNT Championship on one of them, basically there is nothing to hold them back now.

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