Friday 24 April 2020

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 3, Disc 9] Episode 86: The Ultimate Weapon by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 3, Disc 9] Episode 86: The Ultimate Weapon by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is top-notch entertainment.

Storyline/Moral messages: the storyline is excellent and there are moral message elements in the dialogue exchanges, for one example "It may just take you a while to realize what you can offer others."

Action sequences/Artistic visions: they work hand-in-hand in this episode once again for one example individually or vs. Metroplex; Trypticon brings a lot of devastation to the table or has the intent of inflicting devastation on to Metroplex.

Character developments: Rodimus Prime and Protectobot [First Aid,] the viewers can see and feel these individual character developments where in short they are unsure of themselves in their own personal ways and positions within the Autobots and I have to say Ultra Magnus comes off much more likable in this episode; Rodimus Prime has grown more into being a leader of the Autobots consequently Ultra Magnus doesn't need to nag or something to this effect so not only is there chemistry between Rodimus Prime and Ultra Magnus, but it also goes for Ultra Magnus and his fellow Autobots as well.

Bloopers: in this one scene you will see the Decepticon renegade [Octane] on the side of the Decepticons and my question is this; what happened here? Because Octane was banished from the Decepticons by Galvatron in fact Galvatron has tried to have Octane killed and just remembering from past episodes it looked like and sounded like Octane had sided with the Autobots so what changed? The next one is where we have Spike and Daniel Witwicky inside Trypticon disguised as engineers to repair Trypticon and Spike bumps into Cyclonus and he doesn't recognize them basically he tells them to get on and fix Trypticon and Cyclonus is meant to be Galvatron's right-hand man/General; let's just say this is not one of  Cyclonus' brightest moments and the final one is where towards the closing stages of this episode Rodimus Prime has no mouth area, but when he begins to speak it magically appears, it is where it is just First Aid and Rodimus Prime on screen together.

This episode receives: 10/10, because there is so much happening at a great pace this mark is and was incredibly easy to give this episode.

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