Tuesday 25 June 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 5 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 5 by AverageMansReview

Now after some last-minute planning: I decided to watch some RAW roughly [Monday 25/06/2019,] so I could include this in this blog. Now from an overview perspective it was okay mixed in with okay but it could go south any second that kind of feeling and whilst I am on this subject, I valued my sleep more.

Let's get real WWE: really WWE, really you are exploiting another real-life situation for your own gains. This is not surprising, because this is what the WWE do, yes I am referring to Rollins and Lynch's relationship, yes I am a little bit angry about this and the only reason I am not more angry is because as I have already said this is what the WWE do.

So we are having the Main Event of WWE Extreme Rules 2019 [to cover my back I just want to say card subject to change but this is probably the Main Event Match] as Baron Corbin and Lacy Evans vs. the Universal Champion Seth Rollins and the Raw Woman's Champion Becky Lynch with the stipulation of Winners Take All Mixed Tag Team Match. Now for some strange reason I am getting the feeling of déjà vu here in these two ways, didn't we see this already where the women took on the women and the men took on the men for their respective championships [in more than one match each for these championships] and secondly didn't we see a similar stipulation of this nature being used at the Main Event of WrestleMania 35, I must stress in this situation there was a detail put in place where if Evans and Corbin loses they cannot ever challenge for their respective Raw brand championships again [I'm guessing this only applies as long as Rollins and Lynch are champions this time around? I should just point out this is only speculation mixed in with common sense, but I could be completely wrong about this.

So I have one massive and when I say massive I mean the size of Galactus rhetorical question "How is this going to sell tickets seriously?" It isn't, because there is no way, absolutely no way or once again just to cover my back there should be no way that the hierarchy can be considering making new champions here, so by using this stipulation or stipulations in this match they have already told us the result, so why pay for something that we already know the result to.

I mean if the hierarchy were that adamant/desperate to have this match I would have kept the second stipulation and modified the first stipulation to something like this: if a champion gets pinned they lose their championship. You see on using my way they could have disguised or made an effort to disguise the result better, so in theory it could have been possible for one champion to lose their championship. Yes I still think the result would be the same but I'm not talking about the result, I am talking about disguising the result so people may want to watch their product or having taken two seconds to think about it; if they really, really want it to be creative they could keep the second stipulation, but put these two championships in a ladder match where the first one to bring down a championship providing it ends up in their respective genders hands they win that championship and the other championship gets automatically returned to its holder, so it could create some friction between these two teams or something like that or if they wanted to think outside the box in the match they could have Lynch going for the Universal Championship, in a scramble to pass it off to Rollins to end the match, just because they are a tag team and consequently by her actions she saves/defends her championship as well.

UK TV: now this is what I really wanted to talk about, in short the WWE and Sky Sports have decided to go their separate ways with BT Sports/BT Box Office picking up the rights to show RAW, SmackDown Live and their pay-per-views.

This is a great move for Sky Sports and BT Sports for very different reasons, now as far as I'm concerned the WWE are a sinking ship and the way they do business on any level is something I have grown to dislike. I'm just speculating here but on one hand from Sky Sports perspective maybe it was a good time to cut ties with the WWE and on the other hand this is good for BT Sports/BT Box Office to improve their numbers.

I know nothing about business [I dropped it when I was in college many years ago,] but I am not sure how this new partnership is meant to be beneficial for the WWE, yes obviously this deal is an outlet for them but in the bigger picture it is like they are giving up the UK market with their actions basically saying "We are done with this part of the world let's explore new options."

Now if it should happen you think I am being too harsh or anything to this effect; All Elite Wrestling being business partners with ITV4 [ITV Box Office or Fite TV in collaboration with ITV Box,] as you can see I have done some research but as of this blog and here and now with doing a little bit of research I can't tell where their pay-per-views are going to be based from a viewing perspective. Maybe when their TV programming begins later this year things will become clearer [on a quick side note I would massively prefer them to be on ITV Box Office, because I can watch them in bed, I have no problem with paying for them it is just if they are online it makes it impossible for me to view them, because of my physical situation.

But the potential for All Elite Wrestling to take over the WWE's UK market/fan base is from a WWE perspective is a frightening inevitability or if they haven't thought about this yet it should really be dawning on them about now.

I'm not against the WWE, because the more places that characters/performers have to perform is good for business. But having said that I am happy to see them go from my TV, I can catch up on anything I want from this company from online sources so I don't have to watch their main two brands and I would happily by many billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of miles without question pay more to see All Elite Wrestling's pay-per-views on ITV Box Office over the WWE Network [to be fair minus anything to do with NXT or if they show WWE Studio projects.]

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