Thursday 30 May 2019

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 3 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 3 by AverageMansReview

WWE's problems just seemed to be getting bigger: what were they thinking of at the very least entertaining the idea of mentioning AEW on their TV program, I must stress straightaway that the hierarchy of this company was far than happy with this. This is why I said at the very beginning what were they thinking of at least entertaining this idea [just to cover my back,] because someone must've had this idea in mind to bring it up in the first place for this entire incident to take place even though no one is 100% clear what happened here, but then again it is free advertisement for AEW so regardless of this incident great move WWE and even before I receive some feedback of any nature I see it as; this incident took place under the WWE umbrella so once again regardless of what went wrong I can still come out with great move WWE because it happened on their weekly TV programming.

Now I haven't watched any of the red or blue brand on TV, I have seen bits and pieces and other people's material this week [the week of Monday 27/05/2019,] it is just after watching AEW Double or Nothing, the way the WWE are at the moment and the foreseeable future unless they really, really, absolutely tremendously make a big effort to change things around I am not inspired to watch their TV programming of their blue or red brand and before once again I receive any form of feedback as far as I'm concerned the WWE have done this to themselves, from this perspective and this is just based on my opinion it's like having tunnel vision/the blinkers on having to watch week in and week out [I haven't done this for some time I can't remember when I last did if I was honest and being irritated by so many elements of it and yes I know I don't have to watch it.] But now he AEW are around I am beginning to look over their instead of here as I feel not just more valued but valued to begin with by AEW.

So yes I would pay more to see be AEW over the WWE as it relates to the  Box Office/The Network [if they could try to keep their pay-per-views Saturday nights/Sunday mornings or Friday night/Saturday mornings I wouldn't mind that, on a personal side note the next time I may want to get some more sleep before hand, because even though I enjoyed this event physically I was running out of steam] and if they could keep going/I am sure they will do but if they could keep going with this inter-promotional matches using other wrestlers from other promotions and their wrestlers going other places as well it would be greatly appreciated, it is refreshing to see different wrestlers from different cultures without them being instantaneously put in the character type of a heel just based on their ethnic background/culture.]

My next section is going to sound biased, but it is not intended to be from this perspective; AEW cannot do anything wrong unless somehow they run out of money or running to financial difficulty on some level which for some strange reason I don't see that happening, because of their financial situation to begin with of billions and secondly they always seem to be moving forward in one way or another.

But here's why they cannot do anything wrong and guess what it is down to the WWE to the reason why AEW cannot do anything wrong and if it should happen your new to my blog I am a very logical person so my next point is not me being biased, but me pointing out one key thing.

Because the WWE have conditioned their fan base or their so-called "Universe" which is dwindling to put up with so much garbage of a very, very, very, very low standard whenever sometime in the future AEW may do something questionable or anything like this; their fan base or quite possibly ex or current WWE fans as well may sit back for two minutes and say or think "That is something I wouldn't have done, but hey hey it is better than what WWE have done or are doing."

I can even condone the references from AEW towards WWE at Double or Nothing, because not only were they funny, but let's just keep in mind that there are many characters/performers under contract with the WWE at this moment in time that are very unhappy and they are not going to be released, basically their career's have been put on hold so they can watch these bits and pieces, half a quiet little laugh but as long as AEW don't do these kind of things to an excessive amount then it is all good fun.

My final points would be these; I have no problem with supporting wrestling in general, but now I have said that; I am not against or for the WWE let's just leave it like this they have so much work to do for me to even consider watching consistently/sizable chunks of their TV programming again [unless they want to make NXT free for everyone, like it was many, many moons ago] and one absolutely final thing I do believe that AEW Chants are going to be the new way of the WWE Universe showing their boredom or something to this effect including signs, they have every right to do this; based on it isn't offensive or as long as it isn't offensive contents on their signs [I found out the signs issue by watching someone else's material] and they have paid their hard-earned money, so the WWE have two choices here; the first is make a big, colossal effort to change things or the second option is to get some ear-plugs, because AEW the company and the AEW chants are not going away anytime soon.

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