Thursday 21 June 2018

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 2, DVD 3] Episode 19: To Battle the Living Planet by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 1994 -- 1996 [Season 2, DVD 3] Episode 19: To Battle the Living Planet by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is highly entertaining.

Storyline: this storyline has much to offer its viewers, we have some background information [being shown as time jumps and place jumps with voice-over elements] and briefly this deal was a very good twist to things [how can I put this; this is one of those things that I needed to bring up in this review, but having said that I can't say too much more than what I have already said, simply because I don't want to give too much away.]

Character developments: there are a good selection of characters being shown in this episode [I am not being lazy,] but I can't really drop too many names here because I don't want to give too much away, but what I can say is this; I really do like how in this episode to deal with this ongoing situation at some point these characters take different routes to try and combat this situation, so in a nutshell if one option fails they have a backup plan that kind of thing [this element or these elements gives this episode a really good sense of urgency.

Science-fiction elements/Action sequences/
Artistic visions: these elements are a lot of fun, be it this scenes or sequences taking place in outer space or Galactus's action sequence with somebody's assistance [technically this individual's weapon assists Galactus, I was thinking I would just put this in before someone pointed it out in the comments section] or the artistic visions of this character that is as big as a planet [these are just some of the elements in this episode.]

This episode receives: 10/10, from beginning to end this episode has many high quality elements to it.

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