Thursday 26 April 2018

Code of Honor 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Code of Honor 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this project is briefly poor, but at the same time it had somewhere between a little to some potential to be a reasonable film.

Fundamental elements: there are time jumps and place jumps, slow-motion effects and quick moving elements [for an example going from room to room or something like that,] mental imagery a flashback thing being used I think and the background music is noticeable. Now the fundamental elements to this project are tedious and annoying and I was happy to take a break whilst watching this project including replaying some elements of it as well, in a nutshell this film is just hard work to watch.

Performances: in short they are poor.

Storyline/News reports or any TV elements: now this is where this film could have maybe been potentially better, than what I have told you so far, the storyline holds together really well it makes sense and there is a twist at the later stages [that is as much as I am going to tell you,] but taking two minutes to think about it whilst dictating this review, I do believe that the timing of the twist was a little bit wasted, maybe what they should have done was bring it forward by somewhere between 10 to 15 minutes in the film and give it time to develop to give this title a rounder ending, because as it is, it leaves a question-mark and I wouldn't mind this kind of question-mark thing if this title was less irritating [what I'm trying to say is; if you are asking your viewers to sit through this title, it is one of those occasions where a complete ending is your viewers reward] don't get me wrong this storyline as I have already said makes sense, but things do feel a little bit rushed the closer the viewers get to the ending stages of this title, moving on the news reports or any other TV elements give this title some value as well.

Action sequences: these elements also give this project some value, they are of a reliably decent to good standard there are plenty of weapons being used, combat sequences and other things of this nature.

This film receives: 2/10, simply put yes as I have pointed out in this review this title does have or had some potential in one way or another to be a reasonable to somewhere just below good or somewhere around this word but the reason why this project gets this mark is because the fundamental elements mixed with the performances drain the fun right out of this project.

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