Friday 15 December 2017

Happy Gilmore 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Happy Gilmore 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Voice-over/Homemade videos/Storyline: the voice-over is from our lead character, telling us a bit about himself over some homemade videos clips, the storyline is okay and straightforward from beginning to end.

Background music/Comedy level/Mental imagery: now it is one of those occasions where the background music is there sometimes in this project, it doesn't do anything wrong, it is just there in the background. The comedy level is good, it has a good variety to it, I don't want to give too much away, but having said that, I want to say that it does have mature themes and it does have some very good Pitch and Putt scenes, moving on the mental imagery used in this project is well put together.

Cast: the character developments are easy to pick up on, for one example when we meet the love interest for this film, her character developments follow those lines [I am aware that the lead character has a girlfriend in the beginning of this project and has an evening with another woman,] but the viewer is should be able to notice the love interest for this film and in the interest of fairness, when the audience meets the competitive bad guy in this film his character developments follow those lines of development as well.

But my point is this; these character developments may be easy to pick up on and to follow, but they are performed to a good standard, in fact all these characters are performed to a good standard, on top of that we have characters which make limited scenes of appearances, such as Bob Barker as himself and Richard Kiel as Mr. Larson.

This film receives: 73% approval, I gave this film a high good percentage of approval, because of Bob Barker vs. Happy Gilmore [Adam Sandler] the Happy Gilmore physically or verbally aggressive scenes or sequences are funny throughout this project, but Barker vs. Gilmore is highly entertaining.

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