Thursday 16 November 2017

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 3] Episode 21: Mardi Gras Mystery by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 3] Episode 21: Mardi Gras Mystery by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good, but there are some annoying elements.

5 things about this episode

V.E.N.O.M. talking to M.A.S.K.: V.E.N.O.M. characters [Sly Rax and Cliff Dagger] firstly ride up using Sly's weapon system/vehicle, they both get out or off it and walk over, begin talking to a little girl and the leader of M.A.S.K. [Matt Trakker] interrupts them. What really irritates me about this entire sequence would be this; yes every character is in costumes [minus the little girl] without their masks on, so what you are trying to tell me is this; not one of these three characters can remember seeing one another somewhere else [I am going to say this again because it is such a good point, Sly's weapon system/vehicle has been seen already,] but let's put that to one side they should be able to kind of work it out even if they had their masks on most of the time [remembering the sounds of someone's voice, should be easy enough considering we are now on episode 21] and even if they cannot remember there is Scott and T-Bob in this sequence with another character, so what I am basically saying is this; Sly and Cliff should be able to remember Scott and T-Bob, but in the interest of fairness Mat, Scott and T-Bob don't seem to recognize these two characters in any way whatsoever either.

Undercover: the undercover element to this episode is good fun and I liked it.

Science-fiction: this is another good element in this episode.

Scott and T-Bob: do become somewhat annoying in this episode and Scott does it again he says Dad amongst other things while his father has his mask on, so once again I am left to ask this question why have the mask on if your son is going to give away your identity in the first place?

Ending message: in a nutshell it is this; it is important to remember your emergency services numbers or if you forget you can always talk to your telephone operator [in this ending message it does say to press a number,] but I got thinking maybe that is just for one country it may be a different number in other countries so that is why I have left out the number of the button and not forgetting these episodes are years old so the number on the button you may have to press, may have changed throughout the years.

This episode receives: 68% approval, now taking everything into consideration such as the storyline and other bits and pieces this episode is good, but as you can clearly see it does have its problems as well.

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