Wednesday 18 October 2017

Everly 2014/2015 by AverageMansReviews

Everly 2014/2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is average to good, but then again I should just point out this film is visual [as it relates to its death/torture sequences.]

Subtitles: to be honest I couldn't stand them, because they are white in their text colour and depending what is happening on screen is depending if you can concentrate on them long enough to read them or depending what colours are underneath them is depending how easy they are to read, because I have openly said I am not a strong reader including I have reading difficulties anyway but I can read subtitles if they are designed to stand out [like a black box around them or black outlines or just something to make them separate from the scene they are part of.] But as it relates to this project I gave up after some time reading them because I couldn't concentrate on both [subtitles and the actual film.]

Salma Hayek: this performer makes this film work, her character developments as [Everly] are strong, as this person has been through so much [I cannot tell you too much, because bits and pieces get discussed throughout this project,] but what I can tell you is this; this person wants out of this situation she is in and as long as members of her family are safe she will face the consequences head-on.

Action sequences: I am going to say this one more time, these sequences are somewhat visual I found them absolutely fine [that is because I don't mind these kinds of things,] but on the other hand if you don't have a strong stomach you may want to press the fast-forward button [here is just one example, the mild version of this sequence is where the audience sees a man being sick and that is pretty much all I can tell you without going into great detail about it.

Generally speaking the action-packed sequences in no particular order are some explosions or some torture followed by many weapons being used or many deaths [depending where you are in this project.]

This film receives: 58% approval: this film is a mixed bag, you see it tells you the basics as it relates to the storyline [how or why we are in this location, I mean there is a video but we never see the video, please remember I had a difficult time reading the subtitles so you may find out or more than what I did, I don't know] and add on top of this everything I have said in this review, how could I forget this really, really dark comedy level that sometimes gets used [which you may not find funny, depending on your sense of humour. But taking everything into consideration including some elements which I haven't discussed, because I don't discuss every little detail of every project, I feel 58% approval just about feels right.

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