Sunday 20 August 2017

Igor 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Igor 2008 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: please somebody wake me up when this film title has finished? It is just so boring; it just goes on and on and on.

Storyline: well it is very thin, it doesn't have much imagination to it once you have worked it out and after that you can work out the rest of the film as well even before it has happened.

Artistic visions/Character developments: now how can I put this politely; let's say for an example, you look at the landscapes or sequences from a general sense, yes these sequences look colourful and well detailed. But as soon as you [the audience] look at anything closer such as these characters or anything around these characters or anything you may come across whilst watching this project.

The film itself becomes a horror show for computer-animation; the facial movements look really sticky and slightly off-putting. You see putting one character to one side for a minute, I could overlook the computer animation issues that this film has, if these characters generally speaking had in-depth personality traits to begin with, it is like you can identify straightaway which characters have been put in the good model/potentially good characters and which ones have been put in the bad model of characters/everyone else, so in a nutshell as it relates to the computer animation and for the majority of these characters I am not a fan.

Scamper voiced by Steve Buscemi: this performer/character is the most entertaining thing about this project by some distance, before I continue without saying too much, this project is a mild horror so everything this character does makes sense well kind of and he actually has a personality which strangely enough makes his computer animation not look so bad in fact as an audience member I would have preferred to watch this character on his own for roughly 90 minutes instead of this storyline.

This film receives: 20% approval, on one hand I had to stop this film title to go and wake myself up, but on the other hand if there are any fans of Steve Buscemi out there in Internet land, give this film a look at, but I wouldn't expect too much though.

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