Monday 10 July 2017

Transformers: Age of Extinction 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Transformers: Age of Extinction 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: the only good thing about this film title would be the cast, as far as I am concerned they all try to make the best out of a terrible film. I am not even joking, this film took me two days and three sittings to get through all of this project from beginning to end, actually I will even go one more step and say this; this is the first time I have ever seen this film all the way through from start to finish, the first time I watched this project I actually switched it off half way through, because I found it to be absolutely garbage. But now I can tell you this as I have seen all of this film, it is completely and utterly garbage no questions about it.

Time length: straight off the bat it is just too long [it would of helped the situation, if this film was any good to begin with,] something like for an example The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 [roughly 180 minutes long and just for the record I have no problems with long films.]

This film is roughly 165 minutes long and because it moves so, so slowly even when you're seeing the action-packed sequences plus special effects, you cannot really escape from the fact that you are watching a long film because regardless whatever this film wants to do it just feels really over packed and here is the most saddest fact about this film, you could easily slimline this instalment and cut off at least 40 minutes and even before you ask where in the film could I do this?

Well it is obvious, slimline the action-packed sequences and by doing this; this film would have a functional and reliable fundamental core to work with, because as it is, the fundamental core such as the scene consistencies and the atmosphere controls are being crushed by the heavy usage of the action-packed sequences or special effects [it doesn't matter which one because they are both too much.]

So hypothetically if they were to slimline this terrible film title, just maybe it would have given this instalment a better balance to rotate things in and out when it seems fit to do so. Now I think about it, using my approach would have given this film title a cleaner edge to things [a little bit of organization.]

Galvatron: they didn't do this character any justice, they may have just about given him the right colour system and that is about it, if I was to be kind. But for everything else you may as well forget it, he is meant to transform into a Laser Cannon [I have been researching all day for the right name for his transformation and this is the best name I could find,] but I digress in this film he transforms into a vehicle which is just wrong, wrong, wrong on so many different levels.

I am not even close to finishing talking about how they made Galvatron look like an average Decepticon, they completely missed out his beautiful yet highly volatile personality traits [in a nutshell, he is a highly intelligent leader of the Decepticons one second, the next second completely lost in his head or the next second something else entirely different and so on and so forth. The dialogue exchanges which we should have been seeing or hearing should have been reflecting what I have been saying with the inclusion of broken speech sometimes, including conversations with himself and arguments with his Decepticons about changing his mind consistently depending what mind-set he is in at that time

Action/Special effects: boring and relentless

This film receives: 10% approval, all of the cast do well to make something out of this film, but everything else is just garbage.

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