Friday 21 July 2017

The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 by AverageMansReviews

The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now it has to be said whilst I was watching this film title, I was trying to remember something about it and then it suddenly came to me, I have seen this film twice once at the cinema and once on DVD so I could do this review and that is it. So I am watching this film title for the second time and it quickly hits me how rubbish this project is and was [you see I knew there was a reason I hadn't watched it in some time, I just couldn't remember why.]

Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard: let's begin with something positive Rhys Ifans was the right man for this role with a good performance, but here come the negatives, Dr.Connors has never been an evil character, yes The Lizard is unpredictable, has a very animalistic mind-set and approach to everything, in fact the more Dr. Connors as The Lizard allows his alter ego to use more of his animalistic tendencies the more the Lizard comes unpredictable and destructive. But for Dr.Connors his background is of tragedy or should have been of tragic circumstances.

So my point is this when I see throughout this project Dr. Connors being evil or something to that effect, it really does irritate me now on reflection if they wanted to make Dr. Connors evil, the only sensible way I could buy it really, is if they showed more of Dr. Connors talking to himself or every time he walked past something that could reflect his image instead of showing his reflection, it could have been of The Lizard at first growing inside Dr. Connors, then gradually taking over as to illustrate The Lizard is the dominating personality within this one body [on a side note now I have taken two minutes to think about it, they have missed so  many golden opportunities for Dr. Connors and The Lizard to have some beautiful dialogue exchanges using for an example a Bathroom mirror -- Dr. Connors looking into the mirror and seeing The Lizard staring back at him.]

From a creative standpoint, they could have had so much fun with these two characters with Dr. Connors on edge to begin with mix that in with The Lizard gently talking and as time passes, his voice getting louder and more domineering, mix other bits and pieces in such as this plan which you will see, possibly a hint of dark comedy references and many other things.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: this reincarnation does okay for me but once again there are some things that really do absolutely infuriate me about this character/reincarnation which are as follows; in one way or another 3 characters or if you want me to be really specific 5 characters [yes I am seeing  Dr.Connors and The Lizard as two separate individuals in this 5] find out that Peter Parker is Spider-Man, so just remind me what is the point of the mask if you actually either tell the people that are close to you or take your mask off so you can be identified or leave behind enough information to say essentially this "Hello there my name is Peter Parker and I am Spider-Man, but if you can keep that between you and me I would be incredibly grateful best wishes Peter Parker/Spider-Man."

Comedy flavour/Action sequences: Peter Parker as Spider-Man is funny and amusing, but every other comedy element is just not funny. The action sequences do nothing for me in the slightest I mean special-effects, camera angles and so on and so forth [wake me up when these action sequences are finished.]

Please give Emma Stone a second opportunity in the MCU [Marvel Cinematic Universe:] she does a fantastic job as Gwen Stacy and let's remember to be fair they gave Chris Evans a second opportunity [Johnny Storm/Human Torch] and then [Steve Rogers/Captain America,] so in the interest of fairness and because I have been around films for many years now, I know what Emma Stone can bring to the table which are firstly reliably good to excellent performances and because she has worked for this company already, I would think about giving her a second opportunity [it is not a hard choice to make in my opinion.]

Denis Leary as Captain Stacy: deserves an honourable mention, it is always excellent to see him or hear him in some cases on the big screen.

This film receives: 30% approval, there are some elements to this film I did like but from an overview perspective it is tedious to watch.

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