Wednesday 26 July 2017

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 3] Episode 16: Reign of the Monster by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 3] Episode 16: Reign of the Monster by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode has a real identity to it, as soon as this episode begins it just swiftly rotates from scene to scene I should just quickly point out the only downside to this episode is Orko's elements. Because this episode is action-packed, quite serious as it relates to the storyline and many other little bits and pieces, then we have Orko being Orko, he just sticks out like a sore thumb.

Characters/Action sequences: the audience gets to see many characters throughout this episode, but on top of that we get to see a different selection of characters in multiple places [so for an example in one location we have a selection of characters handling this situation, was in another location we have a different selection of characters handling another situation and so on and so forth.]

The action-packed sequences are impactful as every scene means something in this episode anyway but more so when the action-packed sequences are present, they have great imagination to them, here are just some examples of what I mean battling outside Greyskull and some air sequences.

Ending message: it is something to the effect of this: don't eat anything, if you don't know what it is, go and ask someone first

This episode receives: 97% approval, this episode has many wonderful elements to offer, I just had to take off a little bit for Orko's elements, but besides that this episode is lots of fun.

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