Thursday, 16 January 2025

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 38: One Last Shot by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 38: One Last Shot by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/shooting

The mission is: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Action and Art; Daredevil has to get their client from Fogwell's Gym to New York State Supreme Court Building without getting killed. Yes this client knows the real identity of Daredevil with one example telling this client where to shoot from inside this vehicle; it is a excellently put together a sequence of events; with fluency and purpose.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; it has continued from where the previous episode finished as it relates to its very high quality and does its part and leaves the final episode of this series to bring things to hopefully a impactful and satisfying conclusion.

Average Extra of: Marvel Studios’ Thunderbolts* Teaser Trailer Only In Theaters May 2025 by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Marvel Studios’ Thunderbolts* Teaser Trailer Only In Theaters May 2025 by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Related content: Average Extra of: Kraven the Hunter Official Trailer 2024 - Spoiler Alarm! Link and then Kraven the Hunter 2024 Link

Warning: there is going to be a minor bodily function reference in this content.

I have just seen this trailer: now I can say there is nothing wrong at the very least with the presentation of this trailer/film, I can't say that about the film yet based on obviously I haven't seen it. But based on current information and viewing experience this looks like a comfortable 8/10.

What with the dysfunctional characters approach, well since the Guardians of the Galaxy are not going to be around in their entirety anymore, they need potentially another bunch of characters to fill that dysfunctional void and we have them right here.

I mean I don't see anything majorly alarming about this film trailer, but however what I have seen is other people's thumbnail on their content creation and before I continue I am fully aware that everyone is entitled to their opinion. But I think some people out there are just on the bandwagon of disliking projects, because it is even the done thing in this modern culture or it doesn't or isn't what they wanted to see from this film/characters or they just got fed up or annoyed with the MCU. But whatever the case may be and yes I am very much aware that the MCU has gone through a very rocky patch over recent times. But as far as I am concerned, they have really started to turn a corner and understood that we can incorporate different backgrounds or whatever, but we have to be more maturer about these things, instead of making it a public service style announcement.

But instead of potentially predicting that this film may flop, how about some of you actually go and see the film before taking a dump on it, I mean if you truly don't want to go and see it fine. But then do the right thing and shut the hell up about a film that you have no interest in seeing and putting other people off based on a film that you yourself are not going to watch, I mean I had seen little bits here and there of the promotional bits for this film. But now I have seen a trailer of it [ let's be honest I was going to see it regardless, I mean I know this is not of the same company or/and universe, but I went to go and see Kraven the Hunter and I had the idea that was going to be terrible;] I will go and see it when it comes out on Friday 02/05/2025, especially now I have seen the cast of characters and their performers, now full disclosure I am not an expert on these characters, so for me it has been very much a case of learn as I go along, but as things stand this film looks to be a lot of fun.


Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 37: Reunion by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 37: Reunion by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

4 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/shooting/breaking/medical

Ongoing developments: Storyline and Character [Character developments;] we are dealing with the fallout of the previous episode and consequently investigating at Clinton Church; where Page tells Daredevil her dark secret which happened in the recent years.

At another character’s home: Action; this is a solidly good and entertaining sequence of action in its entirety.

This episode receives: 9/10, this episode is excellent; as you can tell as it relates to the episode markings, things are really beginning to pick up momentum.


Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 36: Karen by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 36: Karen by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/vehicle crash/shooting/impaling/breaking/burning/reference to cancer/medical

We get to witness a first-hand account of what really happened: Storyline, Action, Art and Character [Character developments;] well we go back in time to Page's life before moving to Hell's Kitchen, a member of her family and her were both in a vehicle accident; which is a solidly good action sequence and likewise a solidly good shot sequence of events, which not too surprising here, but completely changes her life.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode is excellent; I should now disclose that the reason why this episode gets the market it does, is because it has a really strong final quarter or somewhere around here. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 35: Revelations by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 35: Revelations by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/shooting/breaking/impaling/medical

Daredevil is still trying processing: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Art and Action; we have these mental manifestations back, but and just to cover my back I could be completely wrong about this; but this time around they are much more clear; as to put across to us the audience that Daredevil is thinking with more clarity now and later on he finds this secret location

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; this episode moves things on in a terraforming way.

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 34: Upstairs/Downstairs by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 34: Upstairs/Downstairs by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/shooting/burning/breaking/medical

Let's go searching for evidence: Storyline, Action and Art; Daredevil and this other individual who are looking for evidence on this suspected individual, Daredevil carefully breaks into this locked location and because this sequence of events takes place by night we also have that authentic presentation and feel

Talking God has its price: Character [Character developments;] Daredevil overhears something that is going to be life-changing.

This episode receives: 9/10, this episode is excellent; as you can see these episode are gathering momentum on multiple levels, so let's move on to the next episode.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 33: Aftermath by AverageMansReviews

Marvel Daredevil [Season 3,] Episode 33: Aftermath by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/medical

Aftermath of the chaos at the New York Bulletin: Character [Character developments,] Storyline Action and Art; Fisk is sitting down to bask in the chaos that he has created as news reports begin to come out of the incident at the New York.

It is a trap: Action and Art; Daredevil fights this individual and of course it is everything we've come to expect from this TV program by now; with close combat and cosmetically looking naturally fast-paced.

This episode receives: 9/10, this episode is excellent; it just continues from where the previous episode finished and now it passes on the baton to the next episode.