Wednesday 13 May 2020

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3 And 4, Volume 4, Disc 10] Episode 98: The Rebirth: Part 3 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3 And 4, Volume 4, Disc 10] Episode 98: The Rebirth: Part 3 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent

Warning: there are colourful effects of some description and death

Storyline/Back stories/Origin storyline: the storyline is for most parts excellent, but it does have a giant question mark of what happened next? On different things. The viewers get this recap voice-over with scenes of the previous episodes as well, the back stories get discussed in the dialogue exchanges and the origin storyline; the viewers get to see a very small element of it and it is in the dialogue exchanges as well.

Character developments/Action sequences/
Artistic visions: likewise from the previous episodes in one way or another they go hand-in-hand; the first thing I want to stress before I forget, because it was shown in this episode if the Headmasters disengage even if the transformer wants them to or not, it will leave the transformer in question stranded in another mode and yes in this episode they are still showing off their new line of merchandise Autobot [Fortress Maximus] and Decepticon [Scorponok,] they are individually gigantic, let me put it another way it makes all the other collectives the ones that can merge into a bigger transformer look small that is how big these two individuals are and yes even [Autobot] Metroplex or [Decepticon] Trypticon would get destroyed individually or as a team, that is how gigantic and powerful these two individual characters are.

These two individual characters are part of the Headmasters characters/merchandise, so they work under the same understanding [Human or Nebulon in an Exosuit, so when these two individual characters are in their individual robot modes they are in their heads.] I have already made reference to being the size they are individually with a massive arsenal and power, these two giant characters can inflict so much devastation on to their enemies or if they really wanted to as it relates to Scorponok devastate Planets or Worlds with ease.

Artistic visions; the viewers have the Sun going supernova or the Earth and other Planets these are all eye-catching at some point in this episode.

This episode receives: 9/10, so after taking everything into consideration this mark is the right outcome.

So just to wrap things up I have two things left to say [I know I have discussed this point a little in a previous film review of Transformers: The Last Knight 2017 I will leave the link down below, but this is more of a general overlook;] the first thing is all Michael Bay had to do was section off this generation into films and they could even have split the key points down into Part 1 and Part 2 into two separate films providing all of these films are no more than 100 minutes long or as it relates to the Headmasters and the Targetmasters you could even put a Part 3 [and split things like this; a beginning, a middle and an end of this final battle and get all of these characters which we meet here in this TV series involved, I would be up for this and it would be a moneymaking idea, obviously providing you had the right people behind it from beginning to end of these three films,] but 2 or 3 Parts to give these key points or landscape changes the serious nature in respect they rightly deserve [full disclosure I haven't seen Bumblebee 2018 yet as of this review and I know he isn't in the director's chair.]

But when you have source material of this quality and somehow you come out with Bay's live-action interpretation that in itself must have been really hard work to screw up in the way he has, I mean not to repeat myself but when you have source material of this quality to begin with; yes bringing this live-action franchise to life is and was still going to be hard work, but it should have made his life a lot easier with once again this quality source material.

I mean if everything went alright they could have done a prequel series of films after this, about how things began and moving on throughout the years, I know very little about this like a pinch of salt [what gets covered in this TV series,] but it would have been interesting and enjoyable to see how things began, so if there was to be a next time with a Transformers live-action new franchise, put it in somebody's hands that respects it, cares for it and likes it.

The second point; yes the US TV program ended here but Japan put their own spin on things in the TV program the Transformers: The Headmasters 1987 and on a drop of research they disregarded the final three episodes of this TV program [I know at some point in the future if I didn't bring up this point here; I know I will be getting asked "Why didn't you bring up Transformers: The Headmasters 1987?" So here you are.

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