Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3 And 4, Volume 4, Disc 10] Episode 97: The Rebirth: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3 And 4, Volume 4, Disc 10] Episode 97: The Rebirth: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another episode which is top-notch entertainment

Warning: there are colourful effects of some description and there is a robotic component of seeing inside some of these characters.

Storyline/Back stories/Origin storylines: the storyline is excellent and the viewers get this recap voice-over with scenes of the previous episode as well, the back stories get discussed in the dialogue exchanges and the origin storyline from the end of the previous episode gets completed of the Headmasters, but another set of the Headmasters and the Targetmasters begins and finishes in this episode and not forgetting a massive new character makes his presence known right before the end of this episode [I will not tell you his name, because I have already told you enough about this episode, but I can tell you this; you won't be able to miss him.

Character developments/Action sequences/
Artistic visions: likewise from the previous episode in one way or another these three components go hand-in-hand and they are showing more of their new line of merchandise [yes I know these characters were in the previous episode as well but at that point they were not what they become in this episode.]

So basically in a nutshell we have the Headmasters that operate inside their chosen transformers head in robot mode this could be an Human or an Nebulon, so when this transformer transforms into another mode its head turns into an Exosuit for its Headmaster with the transformer in question downloading itself into its extra memory which is in the chest.

The Targetmasters work under the same understanding as it relates to an Exosuit and a Nebulon, but they are given more freedom as they are handheld weapons as a they can either work hand-in-hand with their transformer or be separate characters or turn against their transformer

Action sequences; well because we have many characters with new abilities these action sequences are chaotic with showing what they have to offer.

Artistic visions; Daniel Witwicky/we the viewers get to see inside Autobot [Arcee's] head, this is highly imaginative and elegant all wrapped into one.

This episode receives: 10/10, with everything I have said plus the things I haven't said about this episode this mark shouldn't be any surprise really it just takes off where the previous episode finished and just carries on with things including the momentum and it leaves things, so the final episode of this TV program can take it from here

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